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Compiled Topical Questions of Neuroscience – Embryology

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Focus on the embryological organization of the neural tube. The dorsal part is associated with sensory processing, while the ventral part relates to motor control. Which embryological structure matches this description?

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Which of the following embryological structures gives rise to the dorsal sensory horn of the spinal cord? – 2023

The cerebrum originates from the telencephalon, the most anterior vesicle.

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Tags: 2024

Cerebrum is derived from:

🧠 “Which part of the developing placenta directly invades maternal tissue and supports early pregnancy with hormone secretion?”


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Tags: 2020

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in a woman’s blood indicates pregnancy. It is secreted by which one of the following?

“Which layer of the bilaminar disc gives rise to the cells that form the amniotic cavity?”

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Tags: 2020

On ultrasonography, the amniotic fluid around the embryo seems to be in excess. The cavity containing this fluid is lined by cells derived from which of the following?

This defect results in neurological deficits because the spinal cord itself is displaced along with the meninges.

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Tags: 2016

What is spina bifida meningomyelocele?

Which part of the brain is responsible for fine motor coordination and develops from the hindbrain?

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Tags: 2020

Rhombic alar lips of metencephalon form which of the following structures?

Think about the origin of immune cells in the central nervous system. Which type of glial cell is derived from a different embryonic layer than the others?

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Tags: 2020

Which of the following is not a derivative of neuroectoderm?

“This structure, part of the limbic system, is the second major commissure to develop in brain maturation.”

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Tags: 2018

Which of these is the most accurate statement regarding brain development?

Focus on the most common sites for neural tube defects, particularly in the skull, and consider population differences.

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Tags: 2018

Encephalocele most commonly involves which cranial fossa?

A characteristic bat-wing deformity of the lateral ventricles on MRI

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Tags: 2016

The brain magnetic resonance image (MRI) of an 8-year-old child shows a bat-wing deformity. Which condition is the most likely cause of this?

Focus on the structure that is part of the brainstem and lies between the diencephalon and pons.

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During the 5th week of development, five brain swellings appear. These include the telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, and myelencephalon. The mesencephalon gives rise to which of the following structures? – 2023

The cerebellum arises from the metencephalon, part of the hindbrain.

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Tags: 2024

Cerebellum is derived from:

Think about neural tube defects—the anterior neuropore is responsible for forming the brain, while the posterior neuropore forms the spinal cord.

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Tags: 2022

Meroanencephaly is defined as the partial absence of the brain. It is caused by which of the following defects?

  • Focus on conditions that involve structural abnormalities of the cerebellum, fourth ventricle, or posterior fossa. Look for a condition where the posterior cranial fossa is enlarged rather than small or normal.

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Tags: 2017

Which of the following is associated with an enlargement of the posterior cranial fossa?

“The cerebellum originates from a structure within the hindbrain that also forms a bridge-like structure connecting the brainstem and higher centers.”

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Tags: 2019

What is the cerebellum embryologically derived from?

“Which ventricular cavity lies between the two halves of the thalamus?”

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Tags: 2019

Which of the following cavities is present in the diencephalon?

Since the corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres

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Tags: 2016

Agenesis of the corpus callosum is associated with which of the following symptoms?

“Think about the most common location for neural tube defects in the skull. Which cranial fossa is associated with the occipital region and is frequently involved in congenital brain herniation?”

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Tags: 2019

Encephalocele most commonly involves which cranial fossa?

This structure is a thin partition that separates the left and right lateral ventricles, forming a key part of the ventricular system.

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Tags: 2021

Which of the following structures forms the medial wall of the lateral ventricle?

Think about the embryonic structure responsible for sensory processing in the spinal cord.

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Tags: 2022

The posterior grey horn of the spinal cord develops from which of the following?

“This structure is part of the hyoid bone and is derived from the 3rd pharyngeal arch.”

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Tags: 2018

What does the cartilage of the 3rd pharyngeal arch develop into?

Encephalocele most often presents as a midline swelling, especially in the frontal or occipital region

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Tags: 2016

Encephalocele most commonly involves which cranial fossa?

Think of cystic enlargement of the fourth ventricle and cerebellar hypoplasia

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Tags: 2016

Which of the following is associated with an enlargement of the posterior cranial fossa?

Think about the CNS immune system—which cells out of the following don’t come from the neuroblast… but maybe from one of the germ layers.

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Tags: 2021

Which of the following does not arise from the neural tube?

  • Think about the embryonic divisions of the brain and their corresponding adult structures. The hindbrain is one of the three primary divisions and has a specific name in embryology.

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Tags: 2017

What is another name for the hindbrain?

The visible elevations are paired and aligned along the body axis, contributing to the vertebrae and skeletal muscles.

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Tags: 2024

The age of 5 weeks was estimated in an aborted embryo by counting the elevations on its body. What are the surface elevations on the body of the embryo called?

Think about which glial cells have an immune function—these do not arise from the same germ layer as neurons.

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Tags: 2022

Which of the following glial cells is not derived from the neuroectoderm?

This nerve supplies the muscles of mastication and has mandibular, maxillary, and ophthalmic divisions.”

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Tags: 2018

Which nerve is derived from the 1st pharyngeal arch?

“This term refers to a region of the brainstem and cerebellum that plays a crucial role in motor coordination and autonomic functions.”

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Tags: 2019

What is another name for the hindbrain?

Consider which part of the brain forms fluid-producing structures as it develops. The area responsible for CSF production comes from a region where the brain’s covering is thinner and more vascularized.

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Tags: 2021

The choroid plexus of the third ventricle is derived from which part of the brain?

Focus on the migratory cells derived from the ectoderm that contribute to both the nervous system and endocrine organs.


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Tags: 2024

The adrenal medulla is derived from the fourth germ layer. Which of the following is considered the fourth germ layer?

“Which neural tube defect leads to complete absence of major cranial structures and is incompatible with life?”

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Tags: 2020

The most severe form of cranial neural tube defects (NTD) is characterized by: 1) major portions of the cranium and intracranial structures being absent, 2) orbits and face being present (bulging eyes) 3) polyhydramnios 4) macroglossia 5) very short neck. What type of neural tube defect is this likely to be?

Think about the primary function of the corpus callosum. What happens to the fibers that normally connect the two hemispheres when the corpus callosum fails to develop?”

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Tags: 2019

Agenesis of the corpus callosum is characterized by which of the following observations?

Think of the forebrain vesicle (telencephalon) that also forms the cerebral cortex, where the basal nuclei reside.

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Tags: 2022

Basal nuclei are a collection of cell bodies that control voluntary movements. Which of the following vesicles gives rise to basal nuclei?

The medulla oblongata is a derivative of the myelencephalon.

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Tags: 2024

Medulla Oblongata is derived from:

The thalamus is a derivative of the diencephalon.

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Tags: 2024

Thalamus is derived from:

When the main bridge between brain hemispheres is missing, fluid-filled spaces expand, creating an abnormally enlarged and spaced ventricle appearance on imaging.

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Tags: 2022

A child is born with agenesis of the corpus callosum which is a major commissural fiber. Which of the following findings is most likely to be seen in radiological scans of this child’s brain?

This cavity is located between structures like the thalamus and hypothalamus in the midline of the brain and plays a role in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

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Tags: 2021

Which of the following cavities is present in the diencephalon?

“This pouch gives rise to structures involved in calcium regulation and immune function, including the thymus.

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Tags: 2018

What does the third pharyngeal pouch develop into?

“This defect results from improper neural tube closure and leads to an outpouching that contains both protective coverings and nervous tissue.

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Tags: 2018

What is spina bifida meningomyelocele?

Think about what structures are herniating—if only meninges and CSF are involved..

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Tags: 2022

Cystic mass containing meninges with CSF only protrudes at the thoracolumbar region of a newborn. This cystic mass would be classified as which of the following defects?

“Which condition involves an abnormally large posterior fossa with cerebellar malformations and hydrocephalus?”

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Tags: 2019

Which of the following is associated with an enlargement of the posterior cranial fossa?

Which trisomy syndrome presents with midline facial defects and holoprosencephaly?

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Tags: 2019

Holoprosencephaly is a malformation characterized by an inability of the cerebral hemispheres to separate at the midline. Which genetic disorder is this malformation associated with?

These CSF-producing cells originate from the same embryonic layer that forms certain cells in the CNS.

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Tags: 2021

Cerebrospinal-filled cavities are lined by ependymal cells. These cells are derived from which of the following?

  1. Pachymeninges

Think “A” for Alar, Afferent (sensory), and Above (dorsal side of the spinal cord)—it processes incoming signals.

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Tags: 2019

Which one of the following is formed by cells in the alar plate?

The midbrain develops from the mesencephalon, the middle brain vesicle.

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Tags: 2024

Midbrain is derived from:

Think about which layer of the developing spinal cord evolves into gray matter, where the neuronal cell bodies are located.

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During the development of the spinal cord, the central canal is lined by three layers. Which of the three layers contains cell bodies of neurons? – 2023

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