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Questions from the 2024 Module Exam

Focus on the glial cell type known for its supportive and homeostatic functions in the CNS, especially its role in maintaining ionic balance during neuronal activity.


1 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following specialized glial cells are responsible for the maintenance of extracellular potassium homeostasis in the central nervous system?

Think about the pathway responsible for transmitting crude, non-discriminative touch, rather than fine or localized sensations.

2 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following sensations is carried by the anterior spinothalamic tract?

Think about the nucleus responsible for sensory input from the body (not the face) via ascending tracts like the spinothalamic tract and medial lemniscus.

3 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Which of the following nuclei residing in the thalamus receives the ascending sensory tracts through medial and spinal lemnisci?

Think about receptors that sustain their response to constant light touch, providing detailed spatial information about texture and pressure.

4 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following are slowly adapting receptors responsible for detecting light touch, particularly in the fingertips and lips?

La La La… Thank you for hoping for a hint on this buddy.

5 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Structure assists in the regulation of voluntary movements and learning of motor skills

Remember that CSF is continuously produced and turned over multiple times in a day, and its production significantly exceeds the total volume in the ventricles and subarachnoid space.

6 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

What is the approximate rate of production of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the adult human brain in 24 hours?

Think of immunocompromised states (e.g., HIV) and Indian ink staining when seeing encapsulated yeasts.

7 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

A 38-year-old HIV-positive man presents with a headache and vision changes. Indian ink staining of the CSF reveals encapsulated yeasts. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Focus on the role of the ventricles in CSF production and recall the regions they extend into.


8 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

With respect to the anatomy of the lateral ventricle, which of the following statements is best?

Focus on the medial lemniscus, which carries sensory information for proprioception and vibration to the contralateral side of the body.


9 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Which of the following is one of the clinical features of medial medullary syndrome?

Look for large, flask-shaped cells arranged in a single layer, responsible for the output of the cerebellar cortex.

10 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Histology

Tags: 2024

During the examination of a histological slide of the cerebellar cortex under a microscope, the student found some flask-shaped cells arranged in a single row in the middle layer of the cerebellar cortex. Which of the following cells was the student observing?

emerges between the pyramid and the olive and exits the skull through the hypoglossal canal, supplying the muscles of the tongue.

11 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Labelled structure that passes through hypoglossal foramen is shown by arrow

Think about how the brain deals with repetitive, neutral stimuli that don’t offer new information or consequences.

12 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

What occurs to the cerebral cortical response when a sensory stimulus neither elicits reward nor punishment?

These proteins work alongside occludins and junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs) to regulate the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, ensuring CNS homeostasis.

13 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Biochemistry

Tags: 2024

At the interface between blood and brain, endothelial cells are tightly packed together with the help of tight junctions that are specialized transmembrane proteins. Which of the following are those specialized transmembrane proteins?

Clinical signs include headache, nausea, vomiting, papilledema, and altered mental status.

14 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following patients is at high risk of increased intracranial pressure (ICP)?

Focus on the branches of the vertebral artery and their role in spinal cord vascular supply.

15 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Which of the following arteries is correctly paired with its main stem artery?

This virus selectively damages anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, leading to flaccid paralysis.

16 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

Poliomyelitis mainly affects children under 5 years of age and may lead to irreversible paralysis. Which human body system is primarily infected by the polio virus?

The midbrain develops from the mesencephalon, the middle brain vesicle.

17 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Embryology

Tags: 2024

Midbrain is derived from:

Focus on the symptoms associated with the cerebellum’s role in motor coordination and balance.

18 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

The cerebellum is located within the posterior cranial fossa at the back of the brain, immediately inferior to the occipital and temporal lobes. Which of the following is not present if there is a lesion of the cerebellum?

Focus on the specific openings in the fourth ventricle that allow CSF to move into the space surrounding the brain.

19 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Through which of the following structures does the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow from the fourth ventricle into the subarachnoid space?

Focus on the motor protein responsible for retrograde transport, which allows viruses to move from the periphery to the cell body of neurons.

20 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

A 2-year-old boy was infected by poliovirus and suffered flaccid paralysis. By using which one of the following proteins did the virus enter the cell bodies of the neurons in the central nervous system?

Focus on the inhibitory neurotransmitter reduced by the direct pathway, which disinhibits the thalamus and enhances motor activity.

21 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following primary neurotransmitters is decreased by the direct pathway of the basal ganglia, resulting in increased motor activity?

Focus on the neurotransmitter associated with descending pain inhibition originating from the brainstem.


22 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which one of the following neurotransmitters has been suggested as a mediator of analgesia produced by stimulation of the raphe spinal pathway?

The nucleus responsible for pupil constriction must be associated with the oculomotor nerve and the parasympathetic control of the eye.

23 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Constriction of the pupil is the function of the parasympathetic nervous system. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers arise from which of the following cranial nerve nuclei?

This organism is a leading cause of a certain disease in young adults, especially those in communal living settings. Look for a characteristic petechial rash.

24 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

A 19-year-old college student presents with fever, rash, and neck stiffness. CSF analysis shows increased neutrophils, decreased glucose, and increased protein. Which organism is most likely responsible?

Focus on treating the underlying factors that can exacerbate intracranial pressure, particularly physiological derangements like hyperthermia, which increase metabolic demand.

25 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

A patient with increased intracranial pressure (ICP) has the following vital signs: blood pressure 99/60, heart rate 65, temperature 101.6 °F, respiration rate 14, and oxygen saturation of 95%. ICP reading is 21 mmHg. Based on these findings, what is the most appropriate initial step in managing this patient?

Think about the brain structures that are involved in emotions, memory processing, and behavioral reactions. The hippocampus plays a key role in memory and connects to regions related to emotions and autonomic functions.

26 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

The hippocampus serves as an additional channel for incoming sensory signals to initiate behavioral reactions, collaborating with the limbic system through various pathways. Which limbic structures are primarily connected to the hippocampus?

This principle emphasizes respecting the patient’s decision-making rights and ensuring they have the freedom to consent to or decline any procedure.

27 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

A surgeon performs a risky procedure on a patient without their informed consent, believing it to be in the patient’s best interest. Which of the following ethical principles is violated?

The cerebellum arises from the metencephalon, part of the hindbrain.

28 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Embryology

Tags: 2024

Cerebellum is derived from:

Think about the specific area in the hypothalamus that monitors the body’s fluid balance and triggers the sensation of thirst when the body is dehydrated.

29 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

A hiker finds herself lost in a desert, with a limited water supply and rising temperatures. She begins to experience intense thirst, driving her to search desperately for water sources. Which specific area within the hypothalamus is likely responsible for creating this sensation of thirst in her brain?

Focus on the pathway that transmits dull, aching pain over a prolonged duration and contributes to the emotional aspect of pain.

30 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following pain pathways are associated with poorly localized pain sensation?

Focus on the pathway that provides the brain with positional awareness and fine touch sensation, which is tested during the Romberg test.


31 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

A positive Romberg sign is indicative of damage to which of the following spinal column tracts?

Initial management focuses on reducing viral load at the wound site before administering PEP.

32 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

A 14-year-old boy, while coming back from school, was bitten by a stray dog without any provocation. There was some bleeding from wounds. He was taken to a nearby hospital. What is the first step which should be done immediately?

Focus on the bones forming the anterior cranial fossa, specifically the ones forming its boundary.

33 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

During a road traffic accident, a person had a fracture of the skull. The fracture involved the bones of the anterior cranial fossa. Which one of the following bones could be fractured in the above case?

The groove labelled A lies along the ventral surface of the pons and is a hallmark feature

34 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

The artery present in the groove labelled by arrow A is:

The rate-limiting step is catalyzed by an enzyme that is the target of regulatory feedback from dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the central nervous system.

35 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Biochemistry

Tags: 2024

Catecholamines are a class of neurotransmitters that play essential roles in various physiological processes. They include dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. These molecules are derived from the amino acid tyrosine. Which of the following is the rate-limiting step in the biosynthetic pathway of catecholamines?

Recall that the spinal cord terminates at L1-L2, but the meninges (including the arachnoid) and the dural sac extend further down to provide a protective covering for the cauda equina.

36 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

A 20-year-old female came to the family physician with a complaint of severe back pain. Upon investigation, MRI revealed a tumor arising from cells in the middle layer of the meninges of the spinal cord. In which of the following vertebral levels does the affected layer terminate?

The structure you are looking for is a large venous channel formed by the dura mater and serves as the main drainage pathway for cerebral veins.

37 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

A patient is brought to the emergency department with complaints of headache and dizziness after a head injury. The MRI scan shows a blood clot in the great cerebral vein of Galen. The obstructed vein of the brain is the direct tributary of which of the following venous structures?

Focus on symptoms like muscle paralysis and respiratory failure, which point to toxins targeting a specific system.

38 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

The snake bite victim exhibiting the signs of ptosis, diplopia, dysphagia, and respiratory failure is affected by which of the following types of snake venom?

Think of the pathway that suppresses motor activity by indirectly increasing inhibition on the thalamus.

39 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which pathway of the basal ganglia is associated with the inhibition of unwanted movements?

Think of the neurotransmitter most often targeted by antidepressant medications to treat mood disorders.


40 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following neurotransmitters is primarily responsible for the regulation of mood and emotional behavior in the central nervous system?

Look for behavioral or neurological changes before overt signs like bradycardia or pupillary changes appear in ICP. Subtle alterations often precede critical findings.

41 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

A patient who experienced a cerebral hemorrhage is at risk for developing increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Which of the following signs and symptoms is the earliest indicator of the patient developing this complication?

Recall that the spinal cord terminates at L1-L2, but the meninges (including the arachnoid) and the dural sac extend further down to provide a protective covering for the cauda equina.

42 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

A 20-year-old female came to the family physician with a complaint of severe back pain. Upon investigation, MRI revealed a tumor arising from cells in the middle layer of the meninges of the spinal cord. In which of the following vertebral levels does the affected layer terminate?

The nerve which travels within the cavernous sinus alongside the internal carotid artery before entering the orbit via the superior orbital fissure.


43 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Labelled structure that is content of cavernous venous sinus is shown by arrow

The Options are the hint itself buddy.

44 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Wedge-shaped mass of gray matter. Related medially to the internal capsule and laterally to a thin sheet of white matter, the external capsule

This organism produces a toxin that inhibits protein synthesis by targeting elongation factor-2 (EF-2), leading to local tissue destruction and systemic complications.

45 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

Infection by which of the following organisms causes the formation of a grayish membrane over the tonsils, pharynx, or larynx, with well-defined edges and bleeding of the surface due to the membrane’s removal?

The simplest reflex arcs, like the knee-jerk reflex, involve how many  synapses between the sensory and motor neurons?

46 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

A patient with an upper motor neuron lesion shows hyperreflexia when a knee-jerk reflex is performed. Which of the following types of reflex arc is involved in this reflex action?

This condition is most famously associated with patient H.M., who underwent bilateral hippocampal removal to treat epilepsy, resulting in profound difficulty forming new declarative memories.

47 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which term describes the phenomenon observed in individuals who have undergone bilateral surgical removal of portions of the hippocampi, rendering them unable to form new memories?

Think of a self-limiting condition with acute onset and CSF findings of lymphocytic pleocytosis and normal glucose.

48 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

A 38-year-old female presents with 24 hours of headache, photophobia, mild neck stiffness, and coryzal symptoms. She is fully oriented, and her observations are stable. CSF results show clear fluid with 23 cm H2O pressure. The WBCs are 150 cells/µL (primarily lymphocytes), glucose levels are normal, and protein levels are 90 mg/dL. Which one of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

HSV-1 meningitis often occurs as a complication of recurrent oropharyngeal HSV-1 infections, making reactivation more likely in older age groups.

49 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following demographic groups is most commonly affected by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) causing meningitis?

This neurotransmitter functions predominantly by opening ionotropic receptors that allow Na+ and Ca2+ influx instead of affecting K+ conductance.

50 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pharmacology

Tags: 2024

A decrease in K+ conductance is associated with neuronal excitation. Which of the following neurotransmitters does not follow this mechanism (decrease in K+ conductance)?

The thalamus is a derivative of the diencephalon.

51 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Embryology

Tags: 2024

Thalamus is derived from:

Think of the inhibitory neurotransmitter central to the basal ganglia pathways that is primarily responsible for motor control and is reduced in hyperkinetic disorders

52 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

In Huntington’s disease, which of the following neurotransmitters is primarily decreased due to the degeneration of the striatum?

responsible for voluntary motor control of limbs.

53 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Descending spinal tract formed by decussation of fibers in structure labelled by arrow E is

This imaging modality provides the best visualization of soft tissues and is non-invasive, making it the preferred choice for evaluating spinal nerve compression.

54 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

A 54-year-old male presented to the Outpatient Department with a backache radiating to the right lower limb for four weeks. There is no history of trauma or fever. His x-ray lumbar spine done two weeks earlier was unremarkable. Which of the following radiological investigations will show spinal nerve compression?

Focus on a disease involving antibodies that block or reduce acetylcholine receptor availability at the neuromuscular junction.

55 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Biochemistry

Tags: 2024

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that enables communication between muscles and nerves. Which of the following is a condition caused by an interruption in the interaction between acetylcholine and acetylcholine receptor sites on the muscles?

Focus on the migratory cells derived from the ectoderm that contribute to both the nervous system and endocrine organs.


56 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Embryology

Tags: 2024

The adrenal medulla is derived from the fourth germ layer. Which of the following is considered the fourth germ layer?

This imaging modality is fast, widely available, and ideal for detecting fractures and internal bleeding in trauma cases.

57 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

A 32-year-old male was brought to the Emergency Department with a history of loss of consciousness after a road traffic accident. What will be the first radiologic investigation of choice?

This vitamin plays a central role in amino acid metabolism and neurotransmitter synthesis.

58 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Biochemistry

Tags: 2024

Which of the following is the function of vitamin B6?

Focus on the ventricular structure closest to the frontal lobe, as this region bears the brunt of the impact in frontal trauma.

59 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

A patient came with a history of trauma to the frontal lobe due to a road accident. Investigation showed trauma to the ventricle as well. Which of the following parts of the ventricular system is more prone to injury in this case?

Focus on the fibers that convey sensory information to the granular layer of the cerebellum and synapse within the glomeruli.

60 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Which of the following fibers originate in the spinocerebellar tract and terminate on the glomeruli of the cerebellar cortex?

Consider the hypothalamic nucleus responsible for suppressing hunger and promoting feelings of fullness.
Satiety :- the quality or state of being fed or gratified to or beyond capacity

61 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

A person with damage to a specific region of the hypothalamus experiences a complete lack of satiety during meals, leading to uncontrollable overeating and eventual obesity. Which nuclei within the hypothalamus are most likely to be affected in this individual?

Focus on the physical properties of nerve fibers, such as their size and how fast they transmit signals, which differentiate A, B, and C types.

62 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

On which of the following basis are nerve fiber types A, B, and C primarily classified?

Focus on the motor and sensory regions of the medial surface that are supplied by the anterior cerebral artery and control the lower limb.

63 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

After being found unconscious, a patient was admitted to the hospital. On investigation, there was an infarction involving the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere. Which of the following areas could be affected in this case?

Consider the vitamin most commonly associated with chronic alcohol use and its role in peripheral nerve health.

64 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Biochemistry

Tags: 2024

A 55-year-old female presents to the emergency department with bilateral foot pain, which she describes as a burning pain. She also has mild numbness in both feet, especially her toes. She admits to drinking about 12 glasses of beer a day. Her vitals are within the normal range. Upon physical examination, both of her feet demonstrate diminished sensation to pinprick. A primary cause of this patient’s condition is a deficiency of which of the following vitamins?

Focus on the region of the brain responsible for motor planning and articulation of speech.

65 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

A 55-year-old female on her recovery from a recent stroke experienced difficulty in speech. She can write the words, and understand their meanings, but is unable to produce words. The affected area of the brain producing these symptoms is present in which of the following gyrus of the cerebral cortex?

Focus on the duration of symptoms (three months) and the lack of alternating manic or psychotic episodes. This aligns with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder.

66 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

A 42-year-old male visits a primary healthcare center with complaints of feeling sad, irritable, empty, and crying often for three months. He has lost interest in activities and finds it very difficult to carry out daily activities. He feels he is better off dead. Which one of the following is the most likely mental disorder that he is suffering from?

Focus on the cranial nerves specifically associated with eye movement and their pathways through the superior orbital fissure.

67 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

A 49-year-old patient is diagnosed with a benign tumor in the orbit which is compressing a structure that runs through the superior orbital fissure. Which of the following nerves would most likely be compressed?

Think about how cerebrospinal fluid is removed from the brain.

68 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following factors primarily determines the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid within the intracranial space?

Consider the receptor that requires both presynaptic glutamate release and postsynaptic depolarization to activate, playing a central role in calcium-dependent synaptic changes.

69 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which neurotransmitter receptor subtype is primarily responsible for mediating the long-term potentiation (LTP) observed in synaptic plasticity?

Post-ganglionic fibers are typically unmyelinated, making them slower than preganglionic fibers.

70 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following nerve fiber types carries post-ganglionic autonomic signals to cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands?

Think of the mechanism where touch, such as rubbing an area after injury, can reduce the sensation of pain.

71 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

According to the gate control theory of pain modulation, which of the following is caused by the stimulation of large-diameter Aβ fibers?

Think of involuntary, rapid, and unpredictable movements associated with basal ganglia damage, especially in Huntington’s disease.

72 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following types of movements occur due to multiple small lesions in the putamen nucleus that lead to flicking movements in the hands, face, and other parts of the body?

Consider the interaction between climbing fibers and Purkinje cells in modifying motor output during motor learning.

73 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

How does the cerebellum refine muscle contraction timing and precision during learning?

The basal ganglia structure that receives cortical excitatory inputs is responsible for initiating and modulating its activity.

74 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following structures is considered the input nucleus of the basal ganglia?

Focus on the role of GI in reducing intracellular signaling

75 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following functions is performed by GI protein-coupled metabotropic receptors?

Well, Thank you for hoping for a hint on this one buddy.

76 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Major output site of basal nuclei

Consider what needs to happen to stop a movement. How do muscles work in pairs to control movement?

77 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

What is the typical function of the cerebellum in motor movement initiation and termination?

CMV is particularly dangerous for neonates and those with weakened immune systems. Look for terms like “microcephaly” and “periventricular calcification” as hallmark signs of congenital CMV infection.

78 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

In which of the following population groups does cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection of the nervous system primarily occur, and what are the typical outcomes?

Think about the neurotransmitter that plays a key role in promoting sleep and relaxation. Which brain nuclei are the major source of this neurotransmitter?

79 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which area of the brain is primarily associated with the production of natural sleep, and its stimulation results in sleep-like characteristics?

The initial step in crisis intervention is to create a connection that facilitates open communication, ensuring the person feels supported and understood.

80 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

A 25-year-old woman, Emily, has recently experienced a traumatic event resulting in acute distress and emotional upheaval. She is struggling to cope with the overwhelming emotions and is displaying signs of anxiety and agitation. According to the ACT Model, what is the primary focus during the assessment phase of crisis intervention?

Focus on the nerve originating in the medulla oblongata that affects the muscles used in swallowing and voice modulation.

81 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

A 55-year-old woman presents with difficulty swallowing and hoarseness of voice. She also complains of choking while drinking fluids. MRI reveals a tumor involving the medulla oblongata. Which of the following cranial nerves is most likely affected?

is a prominent bulge on the medulla oblongata caused by the nucleus, which is involved in motor coordination.

82 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Underlying nuclei responsible for formation of the structure labelled by arrow D is

Think about the structures responsible for transferring CSF from the subarachnoid space into the venous system

83 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

An 8-month-old infant was brought to the pediatrician with a complaint of falling from bed. After examination and investigation, a diagnosis of increased intracranial pressure was made due to involvement of projections of the meninges responsible for the diffusion of cerebrospinal fluid into the bloodstream. Which of the following are involved projections of meninges?v

Consider the type of pain associated with abnormal nerve processing and sensitivity to non-painful stimuli.

84 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

A 45-year-old male was diagnosed to have increased sensitivity to pain without major tissue damage. He complained that even the touch of cloth is painful to him. Which one of the following types of pain is he suffering from?

Consider the location of the fluid collection. Is it more likely to be located between the dura mater and the skull or between the dura mater and the arachnoid mater . The microscopic presentation is something to focus on too.

This condition often follows infections like otitis media or sinusitis and requires surgical drainage.

85 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

A 45-year-old man with a history of chronic otitis media presents with fever, severe headaches, and left-sided weakness. Imaging demonstrates a lentiform-shaped, fluid collection causing midline shift. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? (Disputed Question)

Focus on the receptor type located in the fingertips that detects subtle changes in texture or motion and adapts rapidly.

86 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

Which of the following touch receptors is known for its exceptional sensitivity to movement and low-frequency vibration?

Focus on the outermost layer of the cerebral cortex, known for its sparse neuronal content and rare specialized horizontal cells.

87 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Histology

Tags: 2024

Concerning the microscopic anatomy of the cerebral cortex, in which of the following layers are the horizontal cells mostly present?

Think of the nucleus responsible for mechanoreception and fine sensory details like touch and pressure in the trigeminal nerve pathway.

88 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Which of the following nuclei of the trigeminal nerve is responsible for receiving touch and pressure sensations from the face?

This aspect of emotional intelligence emphasizes effective communication and conflict resolution to maintain positive interactions.

89 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Community Medicine + Behavioural Sciences

Tags: 2024

Alex is frustrated with his colleague, Emily, for constantly interrupting him during team meetings. He finds it challenging to express his concerns without coming across as confrontational. Which aspect of emotional intelligence is Alex in most need of to handle this situation effectively?

Think about the cerebellum’s role in initiating movements with proper timing and coordination, and what happens when that role is disrupted.

90 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

What is the consequence of the absence of cerebellar support in the motor system during movement initiation?

The medulla oblongata is a derivative of the myelencephalon.

91 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Embryology

Tags: 2024

Medulla Oblongata is derived from:

C-shaped structure with distinct regions.

92 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Structure having head, body, and tail

This diagnosis is suggested by lymphocyte predominance in CSF combined with normal glucose and systemic viral symptoms like rash and fever.

93 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pathology

Tags: 2024

A 33-year-old woman with a diffuse macular rash presents with headache, fever, and neck stiffness. CSF analysis reveals lymphocytic pleocytosis, normal glucose, and slightly elevated protein. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

The side of the body showing motor symptoms is opposite to the side of the brain affected in Parkinson’s disease. Focus on the role of the substantia nigra in dopaminergic signaling.

94 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

A 62-year-old man has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after the neurological examination revealed a resting tremor of the left hand, slow gait, and lack of the normal range of facial expression. Which of the following is the most likely location of the degenerative changes?

This vitamin plays a pivotal role in energy metabolism, which is essential for producing precursors required for neurotransmitter synthesis.

95 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Biochemistry

Tags: 2024

Which of the following vitamins is required for the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine?

This neurotransmitter is heavily associated with the raphe nuclei and is a target for many treatments for mood disorders, including SSRIs. It is often termed the “feel-good” chemical.

96 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Pharmacology

Tags: 2024

This transmitter is mostly located in diffuse neuronal systems in the CNS, with cell bodies, particularly in the raphe nuclei. It appears to play a major role in the expression of mood states, and many antidepressant drugs are thought to increase its functional activity.

Woop di doo.

97 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Main input site of basal nuclei

Focus on the glial cells specific to the CNS that are responsible for forming myelin, as opposed to those in the PNS.


98 / 101

Category: NeuroSciences – Anatomy

Tags: 2024

Which of the following statements is appropriate about myelination of the brain?

The visible elevations are paired and aligned along the body axis, contributing to the vertebrae and skeletal muscles.

99 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Embryology

Tags: 2024

The age of 5 weeks was estimated in an aborted embryo by counting the elevations on its body. What are the surface elevations on the body of the embryo called?

The cerebrum originates from the telencephalon, the most anterior vesicle.

100 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Embryology

Tags: 2024

Cerebrum is derived from:

Focus on the sensory pathway responsible for transmitting pain and temperature information to the brain.

101 / 101

Category: Neurosciences – Physiology

Tags: 2024

A 35-year-old woman sustains a traumatic injury to the T8 level of her spinal cord. She presents with loss of pain and temperature sensation below the level of the injury but preserved touch and proprioceptive sensations. Which of the following pathways is most likely affected?

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