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Compiled Topical Questions of Neuroscience – Pharmacology

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“This drug is a reversible competitive antagonist of receptors that mediate parasympathetic functions.”

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Tags: 2018

What receptor(s) does scopolamine bind to?

Focus on the receptor subtype that opioids like morphine and fentanyl primarily target for their potent pain-relieving effects.

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Tags: 2023

The analgesic properties of opioids are primarily mediated by which of the following receptors?

This neurotransmitter functions predominantly by opening ionotropic receptors that allow Na+ and Ca2+ influx instead of affecting K+ conductance.

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Tags: 2024

A decrease in K+ conductance is associated with neuronal excitation. Which of the following neurotransmitters does not follow this mechanism (decrease in K+ conductance)?

Think about how opioid overdose is diagnosed in unconscious patients. Which distinct feature is always present and does not develop tolerance?

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Tags: 2020

Using morphine to treat pain may cause following adverse effect:

Opioid receptors are GPCRs involved in pain modulation. If a receptor is known for catecholamine (adrenaline/noradrenaline) effects, it is not an opioid receptor.

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Tags: 2017

Which of these is not an opioid receptor?

The correct answer involves dopamine’s contrasting effects on two different receptor types, where one is excitatory and the other is inhibitory.

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Tags: 2016

What is the effect of dopamine?

“This adrenergic receptor subtype increases heart rate and contractility by stimulating cAMP production.”

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Tags: 2018

Which receptors work via activation of adenyl cyclase and an increase in intracellular cAMP?

This drug was historically used for hypertension but is now rarely used due to its depression-inducing side effects.

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Tags: 2016

What drug inhibits the storage of norepinephrine into synaptic vesicles?

It is primarily used for motion sickness prevention, and it works by blocking muscarinic receptors in the vestibular system and CNS.

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Tags: 2016

What receptor(s) does scopolamine bind to?

Think of opioid overdose symptoms

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Tags: 2022

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the mu receptor stimulation?

Thrombolytics can cause dangerous bleeding, and certain conditions greatly increase this risk, particularly if there is excessive pressure on blood vessels.

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Tags: 2021

Which of the following is a contraindication of a thrombolytic drug?

To maximize pain control and minimize side effects

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Tags: 2021

A patient is given an opioid injection after surgery for pain relief. Which of the following statements is correct regarding opioids?

Which side effect is most commonly seen at the site of a subcutaneous heparin injection?

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Tags: 2020

Odd statement regarding heparin:

When someone overdoses on opioids, this drug kicks opioids off their receptors and brings them back to life.

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Tags: 2022

Which of the following is an opioid receptor antagonist used as a drug for opioid overdose and toxicity?

🧠 “Which neurotransmitter is linked to both movement disorders and psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia?”

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Tags: 2018

What is the best statement regarding the role of biomolecules in various diseases?

“This drug depletes norepinephrine by preventing its uptake into vesicles, leading to reduced sympathetic activity.”

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Tags: 2018

What drug inhibits the storage of norepinephrine into synaptic vesicles

This drug is used in organophosphate poisoning and is known for its ability to increase heart rate and dilate pupils.

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Tags: 2021

Which of the following is an antagonist of the muscarinic receptor?

This natural anticoagulant inhibits thrombin and is supercharged by heparin to prevent clotting.

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Tags: 2022

Heparin binds to which of the following molecules to produce its anti-coagulant effect?

“These receptors mediate the effects of endogenous and exogenous opioids, including pain relief, mood changes, and addiction.”

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Tags: 2018

Which of these is not an opioid receptor?

This drug is derived from bacteria and is not reusable in the same patient due to immune response.

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Tags: 2021

Which fibrinolytic drug also has an antigenic effect?

It messes with vitamin K → Fix it with more vitamin K!

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Tags: 2022

Vitamin K reverses the overdose of which of the following agents?

Think about how drugs can interact with liver enzymes to alter the metabolism of other drugs. What happens when an enzyme responsible for breaking down a drug is inhibited?

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Tags: 2020

Which of the following accurately describes the action of cimetidine on warfarin?

“This drug depletes norepinephrine by preventing its uptake into vesicles, leading to reduced sympathetic activity.”

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Tags: 2018

Hemisection of the spinal cord will not present with which of the following?

This neurotransmitter is heavily associated with the raphe nuclei and is a target for many treatments for mood disorders, including SSRIs. It is often termed the “feel-good” chemical.

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Tags: 2024

This transmitter is mostly located in diffuse neuronal systems in the CNS, with cell bodies, particularly in the raphe nuclei. It appears to play a major role in the expression of mood states, and many antidepressant drugs are thought to increase its functional activity.

This opioid drug helps stop excessive bowel movements but doesn’t get you high—what is it?

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Tags: 2022

Which of the following opioid drugs is used to treat diarrhea?

Focus on the clinical scenarios where morphine is most commonly indicated. Think about conditions involving severe, acute pain that require rapid and potent pain relief.

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Tags: 2017

Morphine is used for relief from which of the following?

“Pinpoint pupils are a telltale sign of opioid overdose—what’s the medical term for it?”

You got this !

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Tags: 2021

Which of the following is a possible side effect of morphine?

Most opioids cause a certain thing, but this one breaks the rule.. Rebel.

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Tags: 2020

Which of the following is not a feature of meperidine?

Think about the neurotransmitter that directly inhibits neuronal activity by increasing chloride influx, leading to hyperpolarization.

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Tags: 2023

Which of the following is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that causes hyperpolarization of neurons?

Think about the most severe and acute types of pain that require potent opioid analgesics. Chest pain, particularly in the context of a heart attack, is a classic indication for morphine.

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Tags: 2018

Morphine is used for relief from which of the following?

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