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Compiled Topical Questions of Neuroscience – Community Medicine + Behavioral Sciences

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Focus on the persistent low mood, anhedonia, and suicidal ideation as hallmarks

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Tags: 2023

A 32-year-old mother of two children visits a primary healthcare center with complaints of feeling sad, irritable, and empty, and often finds herself crying for no reason for the past three months. She has a loss of interest in all activities and finds it really hard to carry out her daily activities. She feels as if she would be better off dead and even has thoughts about taking her life at times. Which one of the following disorders is she most likely suffering from?

Think about the difference between voluntary and involuntary control.. This condition occurs unconsciously during sleep and is not under voluntary control.

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Tags: 2018

Which of these statements is incorrect regarding sleep disorder?


🧠 “Which lobe makes us who we are by controlling judgment, impulse control, and personality?”


3 / 50

Tags: 2021

A person has social and emotional changes due to damage to which lobe?

how long does it take to meet the WHO criteria for stroke.

4 / 50

Tags: 2017

According to the World Health Organization, how long is the loss of cerebral function for it to be called a stroke?

Think about unconscious, rule-based learning that occurs effortlessly in childhood..

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Tags: 2022

Young children can immediately repeat short sentences spoken by their parents and siblings, and also produce new sentences that follow the rules of their native language. The ability to produce new, rule-governed sentences is thought to involve which kind of learning?

Doctors must communicate in a way which avoids misleading patients into unnecessary treatments.

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Tags: 2022

A surgeon working in a private rehabilitation facility encounters a patient with a certain tumor that responds only to radiotherapy and surgery. The surgeon is enthusiastic to perform the surgery and proceeds to convince the patient to perform the surgery despite the lack of evidence of surgery being the better option. Which of the following principles of ethical communication has the surgeon breached in the above scenario?

This imaging modality is fast, widely available, and ideal for detecting fractures and internal bleeding in trauma cases.

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Tags: 2024

A 32-year-old male was brought to the Emergency Department with a history of loss of consciousness after a road traffic accident. What will be the first radiologic investigation of choice?

This habit is a major modifiable risk factor that damages blood vessels and increases clot formation, making young adults vulnerable to stroke.

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Tags: 2021

Which of the following is the most common cause of stroke in young adults?

“This neural circuit plays a key role in memory and emotions and is a central component of the brain’s emotional and limbic processing system.”

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Tags: 2018

What part of the brain is the Papez circuit associated with?

Think about a condition where neurons fire excessively due to reduced inhibition—leading to uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain.

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Tags: 2022

Which of the following conditions is associated with low levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)?

Once paralysis has set in, prevention is no longer an option—what’s the next best step to help the child function better?

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Tags: 2022

Which of the following is the most appropriate intervention after a child has been diagnosed with paralytic poliomyelitis?

🧠 “Which term describes malaria in Africa but not an unexpected rise in cases?”

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Tags: 2018

Which of the following terms refers to disease constantly present in a small population?

“This syndrome is linked to changes in emotional behavior and impulse control, rather than direct impairment of voluntary movement.”

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Tags: 2019

Which of the following is inappropriate regarding Kluver-Bucy syndrome?

This virus selectively damages anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, leading to flaccid paralysis.

14 / 50

Tags: 2024

Poliomyelitis mainly affects children under 5 years of age and may lead to irreversible paralysis. Which human body system is primarily infected by the polio virus?

“Before anything else, what should be done immediately to minimize the risk of infection at the site of injury?”

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Tags: 2019

A 30-year-old man reported to the emergency department with a complaint of a dog bite on the right arm. The casualty is conscious but the wound is bleeding. No previous medical or surgical history is reported. After history taking, what is the first step of management?

Think of the final step as ensuring ongoing support and preventing further distress by formalizing a follow-up plan.

16 / 50

Tags: 2023

During a flood, a mental health professional is given the responsibility to provide psychological first aid and conduct crisis intervention. Which of the following is the 7th and last stage of the crisis intervention model?

This symptom is due to brainstem dysfunction

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Tags: 2021

Which of the following is a pathognomonic feature found in patients with rabies?

This theory suggests that bodily reactions dictate emotions—you don’t cry because you’re sad; you feel sad because you cry.

18 / 50

Tags: 2022

Ali saw a snake and he started trembling. The statement that Ali is afraid because he trembled is better explained by which of the following theories?

Great ideas don’t just appear instantly—they require gathering knowledge, subconscious thinking, breakthrough moments, evaluation, and application.

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Tags: 2022

As a medical professional, you have to come up with ideas for research that are original, unique, new, and relevant to your field of practice. This involves creative thinking. Which of the following will you follow?

Focus on preventative vaccination strategies for individuals who are at continuous risk of handling rabies-related viruses.

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Tags: 2023

A 36-year-old man is hired as a laboratory worker and he will be handling Rabies related viruses and vaccines. Which of the following vaccines is he advised to get?

Focus on whether the strategy occurs before or after the emotional response is triggered. John’s behavior fits into post-emotional response regulation.

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Tags: 2023

John diverts his attention to stop thinking about disturbing events in order to prevent himself from experiencing any overwhelming negative emotions. Which of the following term best corresponds to this strategy?

This term describes a disease that is always present in a specific region or population, maintaining a stable number of cases over time.

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Tags: 2017

Which of the following terms refers to disease constantly present in a small population?

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Tags: 2021

A public health officer ordered his staff to take measures for vector control in order to prevent diseases. Which of the following diseases can be prevented by this project?

Initial management focuses on reducing viral load at the wound site before administering PEP.

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Tags: 2024

A 14-year-old boy, while coming back from school, was bitten by a stray dog without any provocation. There was some bleeding from wounds. He was taken to a nearby hospital. What is the first step which should be done immediately?

Think about the term that describes diseases that are regularly present and expected in a specific population or area.

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Tags: 2023

Which of the following terms refers to the constant presence of a disease or infectious agent within its usual or expected frequency in a given geographical area or population group?

“This neurotransmitter is responsible for reward and motivation. Excess activity in the mesolimbic pathway leads to hallucinations and delusions, while reduced activity in the mesocortical pathway results in cognitive impairment and apathy.”

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Tags: 2019

What is the pathophysiology behind schizophrenia?

You can’t change your genes, gender, or age, but you can change your weight and lifestyle.

27 / 50

Tags: 2022

Which of the following is a modifiable risk factor for stroke?

This organism produces a toxin that inhibits protein synthesis by targeting elongation factor-2 (EF-2), leading to local tissue destruction and systemic complications.

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Tags: 2024

Infection by which of the following organisms causes the formation of a grayish membrane over the tonsils, pharynx, or larynx, with well-defined edges and bleeding of the surface due to the membrane’s removal?

This principle emphasizes respecting the patient’s decision-making rights and ensuring they have the freedom to consent to or decline any procedure.

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Tags: 2024

A surgeon performs a risky procedure on a patient without their informed consent, believing it to be in the patient’s best interest. Which of the following ethical principles is violated?

This aspect of emotional intelligence emphasizes effective communication and conflict resolution to maintain positive interactions.

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Tags: 2024

Alex is frustrated with his colleague, Emily, for constantly interrupting him during team meetings. He finds it challenging to express his concerns without coming across as confrontational. Which aspect of emotional intelligence is Alex in most need of to handle this situation effectively?

 Think about the type of prevention that focuses on stopping a disease from occurring in the first place. This strategy involves lifestyle changes and healthy habits to reduce the risk of developing conditions like hypertension and stroke. Which level of prevention aligns with this approach?

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Tags: 2022

Practicing a healthy lifestyle by eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and maintaining a healthy weight for the prevention of hypertension and stroke is advised by physicians. Which one of the following preventions is applied here?

“What mental function allows us to recall past events, facts, and experiences?”

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Tags: 2020

Which of the following best defines memory?

This condition is sometimes referred to as “word blindness,” where a person can see words but cannot interpret them.

33 / 50

Tags: 2021

Which of the following terms accurately describes the condition in which a person is unable to read?

“Before any injections or medications, how can you physically reduce the viral load at the site of the bite?”

34 / 50

Tags: 2020

A 30-year-old man reported to the emergency department with a complaint of a dog bite on the right arm. The casualty is conscious but the wound is bleeding. No previous medical or surgical history is reported. After history taking, what is the first step of management?

The first step in managing any bite wound is cleaning it thoroughly to prevent infection. After cleaning, further risk assessment for rabies and other infections can be performed.

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Tags: 2021

A 30-year-old man reported to the emergency department with a complaint of a dog bite on the right arm. The casualty is conscious but the wound is bleeding. No previous medical or surgical history is reported. After history taking, what is the first step of management?

Focus on the duration of symptoms (three months) and the lack of alternating manic or psychotic episodes. This aligns with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder.

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Tags: 2024

A 42-year-old male visits a primary healthcare center with complaints of feeling sad, irritable, empty, and crying often for three months. He has lost interest in activities and finds it very difficult to carry out daily activities. He feels he is better off dead. Which one of the following is the most likely mental disorder that he is suffering from?

Focus on the schedule of routine immunization in the EPI program, where IPV is strategically given to complement oral polio vaccine doses.

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Tags: 2023

Polio is now endemic only in 2 countries Pakistan and Afghanistan. Two very effective polio vaccines Oral and injectable are being given in EPI program and in addition special immunization campaigns are repeatedly conducted all over Pakistan so as to eradicate polio. In routine EPI schedule injectable polio vaccine IPV is given at age of

This memory type allows you to perform skills effortlessly after extensive practice, even if you don’t consciously recall the steps

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Tags: 2021

Which of the following represents the type of memory that is acquired but becomes unconscious and automatic later on?

When a patient is completely unresponsive, someone has to step in and take control of the decisions—but who gets that power, and on what basis?

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Tags: 2022

An 85-year-old male is in a coma in a hospital. His daughter makes all the decisions regarding his treatment on his behalf. Which of the following options best describes the type of consent in this scenario?

Focus on the behavioral and emotional changes associated with temporal lobe damage. Think about the functions of the amygdala and how its impairment might manifest clinically.

40 / 50

Tags: 2017

Which of the following is incorrect regarding Kluver-Bucy syndrome?

A good medical relationship involves  both doctor and patient contributing to treatment decisions.

41 / 50

Tags: 2021

Which of the following should be the relationship between the doctor and the patient?

A TIA is a temporary event, while a stroke is defined by symptoms persisting beyond a specific time threshold.

42 / 50

Tags: 2019

According to the World Health Organization, how long is the loss of cerebral function for it to be called a stroke?

“A deep, bleeding dog bite is a high-risk exposure—what immediate protection does the body need beyond just a vaccine?”

43 / 50

Tags: 2020

A child presented to the emergency department with a complaint of a dog bite in the right arm. He was conscious but bleeding from the wound site. The child has completed the EPI vaccination and no significant past medical or surgical history. After documenting the detail of the dog bite, what is the vaccination plan for this patient?

The initial step in crisis intervention is to create a connection that facilitates open communication, ensuring the person feels supported and understood.

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Tags: 2024

A 25-year-old woman, Emily, has recently experienced a traumatic event resulting in acute distress and emotional upheaval. She is struggling to cope with the overwhelming emotions and is displaying signs of anxiety and agitation. According to the ACT Model, what is the primary focus during the assessment phase of crisis intervention?

This symptom is due to brainstem dysfunction

45 / 50

Tags: 2021

Which of the following is a pathognomonic feature found in patients with rabies?

This ancient ethical code is still referenced today and originally came from Greek medicine.

46 / 50

Tags: 2021

Which of the following is the first complete documented set of rules of ancient ethics?

🧠 “How many doses are needed to ensure a woman remains protected against tetanus throughout her reproductive years?”

47 / 50

Tags: 2021

A reproductive age female reported to the outpatient department with no prior dose of tetanus vaccine. What are the recommended doses by EPI protocol of tetanus for long-term prevention?

Focus on symptoms like muscle paralysis and respiratory failure, which point to toxins targeting a specific system.

48 / 50

Tags: 2024

The snake bite victim exhibiting the signs of ptosis, diplopia, dysphagia, and respiratory failure is affected by which of the following types of snake venom?

Risk factors for stroke (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, smoking, atrial fibrillation)

49 / 50

Tags: 2016

In developing countries, which of the following age groups is most likely to have a stroke?

This imaging modality provides the best visualization of soft tissues and is non-invasive, making it the preferred choice for evaluating spinal nerve compression.

50 / 50

Tags: 2024

A 54-year-old male presented to the Outpatient Department with a backache radiating to the right lower limb for four weeks. There is no history of trauma or fever. His x-ray lumbar spine done two weeks earlier was unremarkable. Which of the following radiological investigations will show spinal nerve compression?

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