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Compiled Topical Questions of Neuroscience – Anatomy

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Focus on the role of the ventricles in CSF production and recall the regions they extend into.


1 / 437

Tags: 2024

With respect to the anatomy of the lateral ventricle, which of the following statements is best?

Think about the pathway of the fornix and the portion that curves anteriorly near the ventricles to connect with the diencephalon structures.

2 / 437

Which of the following structures forms the anterior boundary of the interventricular foramen of Monro? – 2023

This nerve controls the most important muscle for breathing and originates from the cervical spinal cord. Damage to it would severely impact the ability to breathe without assistance.

3 / 437

Tags: 2021

Damage to which of the following nerves is responsible for the labored breathing in a patient with complete cord transection at cervical level?

Think about the structure in the brain that acts as a “gateway” for sensory information to reach the cerebral cortex. Which structure is known for its role in relaying sensory inputs?

4 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following is a major relay centre for sensory afferents?

This nerve controls the only muscle that abducts the eye and is commonly affected by increased intracranial pressure.

5 / 437

Tags: 2017

Weakness of the lateral rectus occurs from damage to which nerve?

Which artery supplies the medial surface of the brain where the lower limb motor and sensory areas are located?

6 / 437

Tags: 2020

A patient has weakness and difficulty in moving the contralateral lower limb. Which of the following arteries is responsible for this?

“Which type of atrophy occurs slowly due to lack of movement rather than direct nerve damage?”

7 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following characterizes upper motor neuron lesions?

Think about the distribution of gray matter in the CNS. Is it confined to one region, or is it present throughout the brain and spinal cord?”

8 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following is incorrect about the central nervous system gray matter?

“Which of these structures is more involved in sleep cycles than emotions and behavior?”

9 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which one of the following structures is not part of the sub limbic cortex?

Damage to this lobe is known for causing impulsivity, personality changes, and inappropriate social behavior.

10 / 437

Tags: 2021

A person has social and emotional changes due to damage to which lobe?

A posterior cerebral artery (PCA) infarct affecting the primary visual cortex

11 / 437

Tags: 2022

A vascular lesion of the primary visual area (Brodmann area 17) may cause which one of the following defects?

“Think of a structure in the brainstem that contains motor and autonomic pathways. A hemorrhage here can cause paralysis and pinpoint pupils due to damage to descending tracts and sympathetic fibers.”

12 / 437

Tags: 2019

A 56-year-old man presents to the outpatient department with facial and limb paralysis. An examination also reveals that he has pupils reduced to the size of pinpoints. A hemorrhage is suspected. A computed tomography (CT) scan is performed. The CT image will show a hemorrhage at which of the following regions?

Think about the midbrain structure responsible for auditory reflexes and signal integration.

13 / 437

Tags: 2022

Auditory fibers run in the lateral lemniscus terminate in which of the following structures?

This hypothalamic nucleus is essential for oxytocin release, which facilitates the milk let-down reflex.

14 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which nucleus is activated upon suckling during breastfeeding?

“Imagine standing on a moving train—what keeps you from falling over?”

15 / 437

Tags: 2021

What is the function of the vestibulospinal tract?

Focus on the glial cells specific to the CNS that are responsible for forming myelin, as opposed to those in the PNS.


16 / 437

Tags: 2024

Which of the following statements is appropriate about myelination of the brain?

This structure is involved in memory and emotion and is located in the medial temporal lobe. It is often described as a curved structure shaped like a seahorse.

For Ahmed. ‘MotoMoto’. Your welcome.

17 / 437

Tags: 2016

Floor of inferior horn of lateral ventricle is formed by?

Well, Thank you for hoping for a hint on this one buddy.

18 / 437

Tags: 2024

Major output site of basal nuclei

This structure helps integrate different cortical areas within the same hemisphere, especially those involved in limbic functions like emotion and memory.

19 / 437

Tags: 2021

Association fibers are the nerve fibers that connect different regions within the same hemisphere. Which of the following is categorized as the association fiber?

“The hippocampus is positioned along the floor of the inferior horn, not the roof.”

20 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following does not form the roof of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle?

It fine-tunes motor movements, regulates muscle tone, and maintains balance. It coordinates voluntary movement but does not initiate it.

21 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following is responsible for normal maintenance of tone and equilibrium?

It is supplied by the posterior spinal arteries, so it remains unaffected in anterior cord syndrome.

22 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following tracts is spared in anterior cord syndrome?

🧠 “Which structure is hidden within the lateral sulcus and not visible on the medial surface?”

23 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which structure is not present in the medial wall of the cerebral hemisphere?

“What condition results from excessive CSF accumulation in the brain?”

24 / 437

Tags: 2020

Obstruction of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid leads to which of the following conditions?

“If the cerebrum is the roof and the cerebellum is the basement, what structure serves as the ceiling in between?”

25 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which dural reflection separates the cerebrum from the cerebellum?

This pathway is responsible for fine touch, proprioception, and vibration and crosses at the medulla, not in the spinal cord.

26 / 437

Tags: 2021

Sense of vibration travels to the central nervous system through which of the following pathways?

  1. Anterior spinocerebellar tract

At the level of the lesion, LMN signs appear due to direct nerve root damage, while UMN signs appear below the lesion due to corticospinal tract disruption.

27 / 437

Tags: 2016

Hemisection of the spinal cord will not present with which of the following?

“This nucleus plays a crucial role in regulating food intake, and damage to it can lead to excessive eating and obesity.”

28 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which nucleus of the hypothalamus contains the satiety center?

Think about the arteries that form a “ring” at the base of the brain. Focus on whether the artery contributes to the circular structure or branches off to supply other regions directly.

29 / 437

Which of the following arteries is not a part of the circle of Willis? – 2023

This gland has a certain nerve passing through it, but it does NOT receive innervation from it. Instead, it is controlled by another cranial nerve that also supplies the tongue and pharynx.

30 / 437

Tags: 2021

The nerve which passes through stylomastoid foramen does not supply which of the following?

This bone is primarily associated with the anterior and middle cranial fossae, rather than the posterior fossa.

31 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following would not be affected by a fracture involving the posterior cranial fossa?

This structure is involved in processing a variety of sensory and emotional information and is hidden from view, located deep within a prominent fissure that separates two major parts of the brain.

32 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which structure is present deep in the lateral sulcus?

This artery is a branch of the internal carotid system and primarily supplies the lateral cerebral cortex, not the brainstem.”

33 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following arteries do not contribute to the blood supply of midbrain?

This structure is hidden within the lateral sulcus and is not visible on a medial section of the brain.

34 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which structure is not present in the medial wall of the cerebral hemisphere?

“Think about the brain structures involved in emotions, memory, and motivation. Which group of structures is interconnected and works together to regulate these functions?”

35 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following structures are constituents of the limbic system?

  • Focus on the core components of the limbic system (e.g., amygdala, hippocampus, septal nuclei) and exclude structures that are more functionally distinct, such as the epithalamus.

36 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which one of the following structures is not part of the sub limbic cortex?

Gliosis =  similar to fibrosis in other tissues

37 / 437

Tags: 2016

Gliosis is a process in which there is hyperplasia or hypertrophy of which of the following?

involved in visual processing and reflexes.

38 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which of the following nerve cell groups do not form a part of the auditory pathway?

“A lesion here may cause ptosis, pupillary dilation, and an eye that looks “down and out.” The culprit artery is a major player in the posterior circulation, feeding both the occipital lobe and parts of the brainstem.”


39 / 437

Tags: 2020

Damage to which of the following results in lesion of the oculomotor nerve nucleus in the midbrain?

Imagine someone asks you for your keys.. and you reach into your pocket.. and well.. that happens.. sad innit.

40 / 437

Tags: 2021

Somatosensory area-I is highly localized and the somatosensory area-II is poorly localized. An ablation of the somatosensory area-I will significantly impair which of the following?

Think about the ventricular system of the brain and how it connects different regions. Which structure in the midbrain serves as a conduit for cerebrospinal fluid between the third and fourth ventricles?

41 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which one of the following is the distinguishing feature of the midbrain at the superior colliculus level?

Fine touch is carried by the dorsal column, while crude touch is carried by the anterior spinothalamic tract—which one is affected here?

42 / 437

Tags: 2022

A patient loses the sensation of crude touch, while the sensation of fine touch is intact. Which of the following tracts is most likely to be damaged?

A wild, flinging movement on one side of the body points to damage in a small but crucial part of the basal ganglia circuit—what structure normally suppresses such movements?

43 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 35-year-old man is brought to the emergency room after he suffers a head injury in a road traffic accident. It is observed that he has flailing movement in his left upper limb. Which of the following structures is the most likely site of lesion in this case?

“This venous sinus connects the cavernous sinus directly to the internal jugular vein and does not participate in the confluence of sinuses.”

44 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which sinus does not drain at the occipital confluence?

“This artery, a branch of the basilar artery, supplies the occipital lobe, including the visual cortex.”

45 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following is appropriate regarding the blood supply of the brain?

“A stroke spares a part of the face, but Bell’s palsy does not—why?”

46 / 437

Tags: 2021

Right supranuclear facial nerve damage will result in which of the following?

This vein is located deep in the brain and is closely related to the thalamus and choroid plexus.

47 / 437

Tags: 2016

The internal cerebral vein is formed by the union of which of the following?

Focus on the medial-to-lateral organization of the cerebellar nuclei. The fastigial nucleus is closest to the midline, near the vermis.

48 / 437

A cross-section of the cerebellum shows the cerebellar nuclei embedded in the white matter which is surrounded by the cortex. Which of the following nuclei is located most medially? – 2023

“Damage to this region affects communication in a way that the person may not even realize their own difficulty. Consider whether the issue is with speaking, understanding, or another aspect of language processing.”

49 / 437

Tags: 2019

What signs and symptoms will be observed as a consequence of a lesion in Wernicke’s area?

Think about the tube that helps to balance air pressure in your ears, especially when you experience changes in altitude, like when flying or driving up a mountain. It also serves to drain fluids from the middle ear.

50 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following parts of the ear connects the middle ear with the nasopharynx?

Think about the structure that connects the third ventricle to the fourth ventricle, and what would happen if that connection became blocked.

51 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which part of the brain must be blocked to produce an enlargement of the third and lateral ventricles on a child’s radiograph?


🧠 “Why do some stroke patients ignore one side of their body even though their vision and sensation are intact?”


52 / 437

Tags: 2018

What happens when a lesion occurs in the non-dominant hemisphere?

This cranial nerve controls pupil constriction and lens shape via parasympathetic fibers originating from the Edinger-Westphal nucleus.

53 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which cranial nerve is concerned with accommodation and light reflex?

“This sensory nucleus receives input from all three divisions of the trigeminal nerve and processes fine touch, pain, and temperature sensations from the face.”

54 / 437

Tags: 2018

Damage to which nucleus presents as loss of touch sensations on the face?

“Which cranial nerve is responsible for eye movement, pupillary constriction, and accommodation?”

55 / 437

Tags: 2020

A 65-year-old man came to the outpatient department. Physical examination revealed that his eyeball deviated laterally because of paralysis of the medial rectus muscle, with the pupil dilated and loss of accommodation. Which structure of the brain is involved?

Focus on the branches of the vertebral artery and their role in spinal cord vascular supply.

56 / 437

Tags: 2024

Which of the following arteries is correctly paired with its main stem artery?

“Which part of the internal capsule contains the corticospinal tract and is affected in lacunar infarcts due to hypertension?”

57 / 437

Tags: 2020

A patient comes with a lenticulostriate artery block due to chronic hypertension. Which of the following structures is supplied by it?

The cerebellum needs real-time feedback to adjust movements accurately. This feedback comes from sensory receptors in muscles, tendons, and joints.

58 / 437

Tags: 2017

Where does the cerebellum receive information concerning muscle movement from?

Think about the auditory pathway and where sound information is processed before being relayed to the thalamus. Which midbrain structure is directly involved in this process?

59 / 437

Tags: 2020

Damage to which one of the following structures of the midbrain produces auditory disturbance?

“Think about where protein synthesis occurs in neurons. Would an axon, which depends on transport from the soma, have the necessary machinery for protein production?”

60 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which statement is false regarding axon structure and function?

Think about the motor nucleus in the medulla that is shared by the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. Which nucleus is responsible for controlling muscles involved in swallowing and speech?

61 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which nucleus supplies soft palate and pharynx and has fibers from the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve?

This system governs motivation and emotions, influencing behaviors like addiction and reinforcement learning.

62 / 437

Tags: 2021

Reward and punishment centers are located in which of the following structures?

Recall that the spinal cord terminates at L1-L2, but the meninges (including the arachnoid) and the dural sac extend further down to provide a protective covering for the cauda equina.

63 / 437

Tags: 2024

A 20-year-old female came to the family physician with a complaint of severe back pain. Upon investigation, MRI revealed a tumor arising from cells in the middle layer of the meninges of the spinal cord. In which of the following vertebral levels does the affected layer terminate?

“This artery is a branch of the basilar artery and supplies the cerebellum rather than the cerebrum.”

64 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which artery is not part of the circle of Willis?

The genu of the internal capsule carries motor fibers to cranial nerves, which are crucial for speech articulation.

65 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following can be caused by an infarction of the genu of the internal capsule?

“This cranial nerve controls the larynx, pharynx, and lungs, and its severe damage can cause breathing difficulties.”

66 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which cranial nerve damage will cause respiratory issues?

Focus on the anatomical origin of the cranial nerves. Does the nerve in question arise from the brainstem or elsewhere in the nervous system? Remember, the first two cranial nerves (olfactory and optic) bypass the brainstem.

67 / 437

Which of the following cranial nerves does not originate at the pontomedullary junction of the brainstem? – 2023

“A person with a cerebellar lesion tends to fall toward the side of the lesion. Which side of the body would be affected if the right cerebellar hemisphere were damaged?”

68 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following clinical features will be seen in a lesion of the cerebellar hemisphere?

Think about the hypothalamic center responsible for stopping food intake—its damage results in uncontrolled eating and weight gain.

69 / 437

Tags: 2022

A lesion in which of the following nuclei in the hypothalamus causes hypothalamic obesity?

This structure is essential for transforming new experiences into lasting memories, and damage to it leads to difficulty in forming new memories.

70 / 437

Tags: 2021

The limbic system is the body’s most important system regarding emotions and behavior, which part of the limbic system is responsible for memory consolidation?

This region of the brain is where you would find the motor map for your fingers, enabling you to perform delicate tasks like writing or typing.

71 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following is responsible for fine hand movements?

This tract carries crude (light) touch and pressure sensations and crosses in the spinal cord before reaching the brain.”

72 / 437

Tags: 2018

Light touch sensations are lost when which of the following is damaged?

Think about which nerve controls facial expressions and runs alongside the auditory nerve

73 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which nerve exits the skull from the internal acoustic meatus along with the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)?

“Imagine tiny perforations in a bone allowing the ‘smell’ signals to reach the brain—what bone in the skull has a plate with multiple holes?”

74 / 437

Tags: 2021

Infections from the nasal mucosa can spread to the olfactory bulb in the cranial cavity due to the olfactory nerve passing through which of the following?

“This nucleus acts as the body’s ‘biological clock,’ receiving direct light input from the retina and regulating the sleep-wake cycle through melatonin secretion.”

75 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following hypothalamic nuclei regulates circadian rhythms?

This part of the internal capsule contains optic radiations from the lateral geniculate nucleus to the occipital lobe.

76 / 437

Tags: 2017

The visual pathway passes through which part of the internal capsule?

“This structure is part of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway but does not fully form until the upper medulla.”

77 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following structures cannot be appreciated at the level of the decussation of pyramids?

“This structure acts as the brain’s central relay station for nearly all sensory signals, except smell, before they reach the cerebral cortex.”

78 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which one of the following structures is the largest component of the diencephalon?

“These deep brain structures work together to regulate movement, and their dysfunction is linked to disorders like Parkinson’s disease.”

79 / 437

Tags: 2019

The caudate nucleus, putamen, and the globus pallidus collectively make up which structure?

These fibers act like internal highways within one cerebral hemisphere, helping different regions of the same side communicate.

80 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following terms is used for fibers that connect different regions in the same cerebral hemisphere?

The structure you are looking for is a large venous channel formed by the dura mater and serves as the main drainage pathway for cerebral veins.

81 / 437

Tags: 2024

A patient is brought to the emergency department with complaints of headache and dizziness after a head injury. The MRI scan shows a blood clot in the great cerebral vein of Galen. The obstructed vein of the brain is the direct tributary of which of the following venous structures?

Think about the structure connecting the third and fourth ventricles in the midbrain. Obstruction here would cause hydrocephalus affecting the ventricles upstream.

82 / 437

A neonate is diagnosed with obstructive hydrocephalus. The parents were counseled and told that this condition is due to the blockage of a conduit between two ventricles of the brain. Which of the following is the most likely conduit obstructed in this case? – 2023

“A pituitary tumor compresses the center of the optic chiasm, affecting the decussating nasal fibers and causing loss of peripheral vision in both eyes.

83 / 437

Tags: 2018

A tumor of the pituitary gland exerting pressure on the optic chiasm would result in which of the following?

This nerve is a sensory branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) and supplies the midface, upper teeth, and maxillary sinuses.

84 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which nerve passes through foramen rotundum?

Think about the vascular territories of the brain and which artery supplies areas responsible for motor control, speech, and eye movements. Which artery’s occlusion would cause a combination of hemiplegia, aphasia, and gaze deviation?

85 / 437

Tags: 2020

A patient presents with right-sided hemiplegia and loss of speech. Upon examination, both of his eyes deviate to the left. Damage to which artery can present with these symptoms?

“This part of the lateral ventricle lies in the frontal lobe and is closely related to the head of a structure involved in motor and cognitive functions.”

86 / 437

Tags: 2019

A newborn baby was brought to the neurology outpatient department because the large size of the fetal head-MRI shows fluid in the lateral ventricle. The appropriate part of the lateral ventricle formed by the head of the caudate nucleus is?

The hypothalamic nucleus responsible for increasing heart rate is associated with the sympathetic nervous system and also plays a role in feeding behavior.

87 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following hypothalamic nucleus is responsible for increasing the heart rate and blood pressure?

A “crossed pattern” of motor deficits (one side of the face, opposite side of the body) often means a brainstem lesion—where does the hypoglossal nerve originate?

88 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 55-year-old man presents to the neurology clinic with the complaint of right-sided weakness of the body and left-sided weakness of the face with the tongue deviating to the left upon protrusion. Which of the following structures is most likely to be affected in this case?

“One structure stabilizes the spinal cord laterally, while another anchors it inferiorly to the coccyx.”

89 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following structures hold the spinal cord in place?

“Which structure is primarily involved in visual reflexes rather than sound processing?”

90 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following nerve cell groups do not form a part of the auditory pathway?

  1. Trapezoid body

“This venous sinus runs along the midline in the falx cerebri and drains posteriorly into a confluence before continuing through a major sinus on the right.”

91 / 437

Tags: 2018

Where does the superior sagittal sinus drain into?

Think about the location of the sinuses. The cavernous sinus is located around the sella turcica and primarily drains the orbit and nearby regions. Is the sinus in question near this area, or does it lie elsewhere in the cranial cavity?

92 / 437

Which of the following veins is not a tributary of the cavernous sinus? – 2023

This small nucleus in the basal ganglia is part of the indirect motor pathway, and damage here causes uncontrolled, flinging movements.

93 / 437

Tags: 2021

Hemiballismus is caused due to damage to which of the following structures?

🧠 “For a quick, reliable, and complete block during surgery, should the anesthetic mix with cerebrospinal fluid or just surround the nerves?”


94 / 437

Tags: 2018

During a cesarean section, where is the anesthetic injected?

“This pathway carries sensations that allow you to detect small details, like reading Braille or feeling the texture of a surface.”

95 / 437

Tags: 2018

The dorsal column in the spinal cord carries which of the following sensations?

Focus on the dorsal column system when you see discriminative touch, vibration, or proprioception. The fasciculus gracilis handles input from the lower limbs, and the medial lemniscus continues this pathway to the brain.

96 / 437

The sensation of discriminative touch, vibratory sense, and conscious muscle joint proprioception of the lower limbs passes from the posterior root ganglia to the postcentral gyrus through which of the following pathways? – 2023

🧠 “What structures must pass through the optic canal to provide vision and blood supply to the eye?”


97 / 437

Tags: 2018

The optic foramen transmits which of the following?

In Parkinson’s, the resting tremor appears on one side, but the damage is on the opposite side of the brain. What part of the brain degenerates in PD?

98 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 55-year-old man with a history of resting tremors in his right hand dies in a road traffic accident and undergoes an autopsy. His neurological examination is likely to reveal degeneration of neurons in which of the following structures?

“What region of the vertebral column allows safe access to CSF without damaging the spinal cord?”

99 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which is the most safest site for collecting cerebrospinal fluid?

The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating rapid, alternating movements, and lesions typically cause ipsilateral deficits.

100 / 437

Tags: 2021

A patient with right cerebellar dysfunction will most likely present with which of the following signs?

“Which motor pathway is essential for precise hand movements like writing or playing an instrument?”

101 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following tract is concerned with voluntary discrete and skilled movements, especially of distal parts of limbs?

“Think about where fine touch and proprioception signals first relay before crossing to the opposite side. These medullary structures are named after body regions they serve.”

102 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which structure(s) acts as the second-order neuron of the dorsal column?

The middle cerebellar peduncle is the largest cerebellar peduncle and serves as the major input pathway from the pons to the cerebellum.

103 / 437

Tags: 2016

Pontocerebellar fibers continue as which of the following?

“Which part of the autonomic nervous system slows the heart and aids digestion instead of preparing for danger?”

104 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following is not associated with the fight and flight response?

This nerve is an extension of the brain rather than a true peripheral nerve. It is surrounded by meninges and affected in diseases like multiple sclerosis.

105 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which peripheral nerve is myelinated by oligodendrocytes?

Focus on the cranial nerves specifically associated with eye movement and their pathways through the superior orbital fissure.

106 / 437

Tags: 2024

A 49-year-old patient is diagnosed with a benign tumor in the orbit which is compressing a structure that runs through the superior orbital fissure. Which of the following nerves would most likely be compressed?

This spinal tract runs ipsilaterally and is responsible for conveying fine touch and proprioception from the upper limb before decussating in the medulla.

107 / 437

Tags: 2021

A person has lost sense of vibration, proprioception, and discriminative touch on the right upper limb. Lesion of which of the following is responsible for this loss?

“This cranial nerve passes through the cribriform plate and damage to it results in anosmia and possible CSF rhinorrhea.”

108 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which cranial nerve will most likely be injured in an anterior cranial fossa fracture?

This nerve is responsible for detecting smell and passes through a fragile part of the ethmoid bone.


109 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which cranial nerve will most likely be injured in an anterior cranial fossa fracture?

“Think about structures involved in coordinating voluntary movement and habit formation.”

110 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following is the corpus striatum a part of?

Think of small penetrating arteries that supply the deep structures of the brain—the lenticulostriate arteries are key.

111 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following arteries supply the corpus striatum and internal capsule?

“The brain structure most closely tied to smell must have a strong link to both the limbic system and the hypothalamus. Which pathway carries olfactory signals while also regulating autonomic responses?”

112 / 437

Tags: 2019

A 25-year-old-man comes to the outpatient department with complaints of an altered sense of smell after sustaining an injury to the area of the brain where the hypothalamus is located. In which associated structure is the lesion most likely to be located?

This thin dural membrane covers the pituitary gland and prevents direct contact with the optic chiasm, allowing the pituitary stalk to pass through it.

113 / 437

Tags: 2022

While operating on the pituitary gland, a surgeon tries to secure the optic chiasma. Which of the following structures separates the pituitary gland from the optic chiasm?

“Which part of the internal capsule carries motor signals to the body?”

114 / 437

Tags: 2020

Contralateral hemiparesis in a patient was attributed to a disorder in the internal capsule. What part of the internal capsule is concerned with related tract?

Which part of the brain controls voluntary movement and contains the caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus?

115 / 437

Tags: 2019


🧠 “Which fiber type is responsible for interhemispheric communication? Is it association, projection, or commissural fibers?”


116 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following is an example of fibers that connect the two cerebral hemispheres?

This sinus drains blood from the cavernous sinus directly into the internal jugular vein, bypassing the confluence of sinuses.

117 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which sinus does not drain at the occipital confluence?

“This thalamic nucleus processes information related to a certain sense before sending it to the cerebral cortex.”

118 / 437

Tags: 2019

The medial geniculate body (MGB) receives input from which of the following sensory pathways?

🧠 “Which structure processes light for reflexes but doesn’t send information to the occipital lobe?”

119 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following is not included in the visual pathway?

“This brainstem structure is located in the pons and is formed by the looping of the facial nerve over another cranial nerve nucleus involved in lateral eye movement.”

120 / 437

Tags: 2018

Facial colliculus is formed by which of the following structures?

The foramen magnum is a passageway for the brainstem, blood vessels, and nerves

121 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which structure does not pass through the foramen magnum of the skull?

Cerebellar lesions cause ipsilateral limb ataxia—look at which side the coordination is impaired.

122 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 60-year-old hypertensive male was taken to the emergency department with complaints of sudden onset of nausea and vomiting. The examination revealed slurred speech and dysmetria on finger-to-nose test on the left side. However, his gait was normal. In which of the following areas lesion has occurred?

Initially, the reflexes might be sluggish or absent, but over time, they may become overactive due to the disruption of higher brain control.

123 / 437

Tags: 2022

In complete cord transection at the cervical level, what would be observed on checking for reflexes of the limbs?

These two muscles are both innervated by cranial nerve XI (spinal accessory nerve) and are responsible for shoulder elevation and neck movement.

124 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following pairs of muscles is involved in shrugging of the shoulders and the movement of the neck?

Unlike the sympathetic system, which has ganglia far from the target organs, the parasympathetic system has its postganglionic neurons very close to or inside the organ it innervates.

125 / 437

Tags: 2020

Where are the cell bodies of postganglionic neurons of parasympathetic fibers located?

“Think about the pathways through which sensory and motor information enters the cerebellum. Which fibers carry this information and through which cerebellar peduncle do they travel?”

126 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following is correct about the cerebellar cortex?

These neurons’ cell bodies are located close to where the action happens, usually in small ganglia located near or within the organs that are being controlled.

127 / 437

Tags: 2016

Where are the cell bodies of postganglionic parasympathetic neurons located?

This brain structure is part of a motor regulation circuit that includes the substantia nigra, which degenerates in Parkinson’s disease.

128 / 437

Tags: 2021

A person has resting tremors, a stooping posture, and a shuffling gait. Which structure of the brain has undergone neuronal degeneration?

he principal (chief) sensory nucleus, responsible for fine touch and proprioception of the face.  which is where the trigeminal nerve originates.

129 / 437

Tags: 2017

Where is the sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve present?

It stabilizes the spinal cord laterally, while the other thing anchors it inferiorly.

130 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which of the following structures hold the spinal cord in place?

Think about which cranial nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the lungs. Trace its origin back to its brainstem nucleus.

131 / 437

A parasympathetic nerve arising from the brainstem influences the lungs. The cell body of this nerve lies in which of the following nuclei? – 2023

🧠 “Which brain structure is responsible for smooth coordination of movements, including rapid alternations?”

132 / 437

Tags: 2021

What is the inability to perform alternating movements known as?

Think of the brain structure essential for memory formation—damage leads to anterograde amnesia.

133 / 437

Tags: 2022

During the removal of a brain tumor in a patient, a part of the brain was removed. Upon successful awakening, the patient is unable to form new memories. However, he can recall most previously learned memories satisfactorily. Which of the brain area may have been affected during the operation?

“This part of the brain controls coordination and fine motor movements, and damage here results in ataxia and dysarthria

134 / 437

Tags: 2018

A person presents to the clinic and has difficulty in balancing and has slurred speech. The lesion is present in which of the following?

“This cerebellar structure, located posterior to the olives, transmits proprioceptive and vestibular information to the cerebellum.”

135 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which structure lies posterior to the olives?

This structure is involved in processing emotions like fear and pleasure, and its dysfunction can lead to difficulties in recalling emotional events or disorders like anxiety.

136 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following brain structures is responsible for emotional memory?

The Options are the hint itself buddy.

137 / 437

Tags: 2024

Wedge-shaped mass of gray matter. Related medially to the internal capsule and laterally to a thin sheet of white matter, the external capsule

Focus on the connection between the pons and the cerebellum. Damage in this region is likely to disrupt pathways that facilitate motor coordination, not autonomic or sensory functions.

138 / 437

A 67-year-old male patient admitted to the neurology ward is observed to have intention tremor and cerebellar ataxia. Radiological scans reveal a pontine infarct. Which of the following fibers is most likely damaged in this case? – 2023

“The auditory pathway primarily involves structures related to sound processing. Think about which option is more associated with vision rather than hearing.”

139 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following nerve cell groups do not form a part of the auditory pathway?

Focus on the symptoms associated with the cerebellum’s role in motor coordination and balance.

140 / 437

Tags: 2024

The cerebellum is located within the posterior cranial fossa at the back of the brain, immediately inferior to the occipital and temporal lobes. Which of the following is not present if there is a lesion of the cerebellum?

“This space becomes clinically relevant in cases of head trauma, where bridging veins rupture. It lies just beneath the toughest meningeal layer but does not normally exist in healthy brains.”

141 / 437

Tags: 2019

Subdural space is located between which of the following layers?

Remember that the spinothalamic tracts cross over near their entry point in the spinal cord. So, an injury to the left sideaffects pain and temperature on the opposite side.

142 / 437

A patient suffers from a gunshot wound injuring his spinal cord on the left side. The patient now has loss of pain and temperature sensation on the right side of the body. Which of the following tracts is likely to be affected in this case? – 2023

Pain and temperature sensation travel through the spinothalamic tract. 

143 / 437

Tags: 2017

Damage to which of the following results in the loss of pain sensation?

Think about the anatomical course of the cranial nerves in the midbrain. Which cranial nerve exits dorsally and is not present at the level of the superior colliculus?

144 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following is not a characteristic of midbrain when a transverse section is taken at the level of superior colliculus?

i understand if you are wondering that perhaps the Correct answer  isn’t mentioned.. and hey.. you won’t exactly be wrong.

145 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which fibers interconnect the two cerebral hemispheres?

This structure connects the two temporal lobes and is not involved in circadian rhythms or midbrain connections.

146 / 437

Tags: 2021

Epithalamus is a structure located on the posterior part of the diencephalon. Which of the following is not a part of the epithalamus?

“Which reflex involves a deep tendon response rather than being triggered by skin or mucosal stimulation?”

147 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following is not a superficial reflex?

“Which cell type has its own dedicated layer in the cerebellum?”

148 / 437

Tags: 2020

The molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex does not contain which of the following?

Think about the nucleus responsible for sensory input from the body (not the face) via ascending tracts like the spinothalamic tract and medial lemniscus.

149 / 437

Tags: 2024

Which of the following nuclei residing in the thalamus receives the ascending sensory tracts through medial and spinal lemnisci?

“The dorsal column pathway crosses at the medulla, meaning that spinal cord damage before the decussation leads to loss on the same side as the lesion.”

150 / 437

Tags: 2018

Hemisection of the spinal cord produces motor loss on the same side of the body as the lesion. Where does the loss of two-point discrimination occur?

it only forms after the internal arcuate fibers cross in the upper medulla. At the level of the pyramidal decussation, its not there.

151 / 437

Tags: 2017


Which of the following structures cannot be appreciated at the level of the decussation of pyramids?


“Think about the part of the brain that helps refine and regulate movements without initiating them. It plays a key role in disorders like Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease.”

152 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following is the corpus striatum a part of?

The dorsal horn is present at all levels of the spinal cord and is primarily associated with sensory processing.

153 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which statement is inappropriate regarding the dorsal horn of the grey matter of the spinal cord?

Gray rami communicantes carry postganglionic sympathetic fibers from the sympathetic chain to spinal nerves.

154 / 437

Tags: 2022

Gray rami communicans are derived from which of the following?

“Think about the auditory pathway and where sound localization is processed. Which structure in the pons integrates auditory information from both ears to help determine the direction of sound?”

155 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following structures is related to the auditory system in pons?

Focus on the ventricular structure closest to the frontal lobe, as this region bears the brunt of the impact in frontal trauma.

156 / 437

Tags: 2024

A patient came with a history of trauma to the frontal lobe due to a road accident. Investigation showed trauma to the ventricle as well. Which of the following parts of the ventricular system is more prone to injury in this case?

This artery supplies the medial portion of the brain, where the lower limb motor and sensory cortex are located.

157 / 437

Tags: 2021

A 60-year-old diabetic patient has numbness in his left foot and leg. Which artery is affected?

This sulcus is located in the occipital lobe and plays a crucial role in visual processing.

158 / 437

Tags: 2021

The visual cortex is present in the wall of which of the following sulci?

This area helps you speak fluently, but if damaged, you struggle to form words despite understanding speech.

159 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following Brodmann’s areas corresponds to the motor speech area of Broca?

160 / 437

Tags: 2023

Destruction of this tract produces contralateral loss of light touch and pressure sensibilities 2–3 segments below the level of the lesion.

This condition occurs when a person cannot speak fluently nor understand language, affecting both speech and comprehension.

161 / 437

Tags: 2021

Lesion of which of the following parts will result in global aphasia?

This artery supplies the cerebellum, not the cerebrum

162 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which artery is not part of the circle of Willis?

This structure is located in the upper brainstem and plays a role in motor coordination, especially for flexor muscles.

163 / 437

Tags: 2021

The red nucleus gives rise to the rubrospinal tract that arises from which of the following parts?

Think about the anatomical course of the cranial nerves through the cavernous sinus. Which nerve takes a different path compared to the others?

164 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which one of the following nerves is not present at the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus?

“This descending motor pathway originates from a midbrain structure involved in refining movements, particularly flexion of the upper limbs.”

165 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following is formed by efferent fibers from the red nucleus to the spinal cord?

“Which cranial nerve is unique for originating from the back of the brainstem and decussating before it exits?”

166 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which one of the following cranial nerves emerges from the dorsal aspect of the midbrain?

Focus on the anatomical relationships of the cranial nerves within the cavernous sinus. Pay attention to which nerves are embedded in the lateral wall versus those that pass through the sinus itself.

167 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which of the following nerves is present on the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus?

“These immune cells of the CNS act as macrophages, clearing debris and responding to injury or infection.”

168 / 437

Tags: 2018

What are the phagocytotic cells of the central nervous system?

Focus on the venous drainage pathway of the brain. The superior sagittal sinus is part of the dural venous sinuses, which ultimately drain into the internal jugular veins via the transverse and sigmoid sinuses.

169 / 437

Tags: 2017

Where does the superior sagittal sinus drain into?

Think of it as the life-support center—it controls vital autonomic functions like heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing.

170 / 437

Tags: 2017

Cardiac and vasomotor centers are located in which of the following structures of the central nervous system?

“Unlike the sympathetic nervous system, this system has postganglionic neurons located very close to or within the target organ.”

171 / 437

Tags: 2018

Where are the cell bodies of postganglionic neurons of parasympathetic fibers located?

This nucleus is involved in proprioception of the face

172 / 437

Tags: 2021

If a transverse section is taken through the caudal part of the pons, at the level of the facial colliculus, which structure will remain unaffected?

This auditory area helps relate newly heard sounds to familiar ones for recognition and comprehension.

173 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following is the correct statement regarding the cerebral cortex?

“Which bone primarily supports the brainstem and cerebellum rather than the temporal lobes?”

174 / 437

Tags: 2020

A young patient after a motorcycle accident was brought into emergency. After investigations, a diagnosis of fracture of the middle cranial fossa was made. The fractured fossa is not formed by which one of the following?

Focus on the fibers that convey sensory information to the granular layer of the cerebellum and synapse within the glomeruli.

175 / 437

Tags: 2024

Which of the following fibers originate in the spinocerebellar tract and terminate on the glomeruli of the cerebellar cortex?

Focus on the bones forming the boundaries of the anterior cranial fossa. Consider the sphenoid bone’s unique contributions to different regions of the cranial cavity.

176 / 437

A patient who suffered from a road traffic accident is brought to the emergency room with a skull fracture involving bones of the anterior cranial fossa. Which of the following skull bones is most likely to be fractured in this case? – 2023

The limbic system is responsible for emotions, memory, and motivation. 

177 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following structures are constituents of the limbic system?

It lies inferiorly in the medial wall and floor of the inferior horn, while the roof is formed by the caudate tail, amygdala, stria terminalis, and tapetum.

178 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following does not form the roof of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle?

179 / 437

Tags: 2023

Destruction of the tract produces loss of fine touch, vibration, proprioception, and two-point discrimination ipsilaterally in the lower limbs below the level of the lesion.

This site is located along the midline of the brain, and thrombosis here can lead to severe complications due to impaired venous drainage. It is the primary site of venous drainage from the brain’s outer cortical regions.

180 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following is the most common and dangerous site of thrombosis?

It drain into the largest dural venous sinus, which runs along the superior midline of the brain.

181 / 437

Tags: 2016

The superior cerebral veins drain into which of the following?

It supplies the lateral aspect of the brain, including the motor and speech areas. If the dominant hemisphere is affected, expect hemiplegia (upper limb & face) and aphasia.

182 / 437

Tags: 2017

A patient presents with right-sided hemiplegia and loss of speech. Upon examination, both of his eyes deviate to the left. Damage to which artery can present with these symptoms?

C-shaped structure with distinct regions.

183 / 437

Tags: 2024

Structure having head, body, and tail

This pathway is critical for feeling the texture of objects and knowing the position of your limbs. Without it, light touch sensations become blurry or even non-existent.

184 / 437

Tags: 2021

Light touch sensations are lost when which of the following is damaged?

This structure is part of the diencephalon and is involved in regulating circadian rhythms through melatonin secretion.

185 / 437

Tags: 2021

The pineal gland is associated with which of the following structures?

This brain region is responsible for emotions and memory processing, and it develops from the same part of the brain that gives rise to the cerebral cortex. Which one is it?”

186 / 437

Tags: 2019

The limbic cortex is a part of which of the following?

Think about the deep structures of the brain and which major sulcus hides a portion of the cerebral cortex involved in functions like emotion and self-awareness.

187 / 437

Tags: 2020

The insula lies at the bottom of which of the following structures?

“Which structure is involved in limbic function and lies beneath the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle rather than forming its roof?”

188 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following does not form the roof of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle?

This venous sinus runs along the midline of the brain within the falx cerebri and is the primary drainage site for superior cerebral vein

189 / 437

Tags: 2018

The superior cerebral veins drain into which of the following?

Think of the ciliated cells that help circulate CSF in the ventricles and spinal cord.

190 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following cells line the central canal?

Focus on the C-shaped structure that runs along the lateral ventricle and is separated from the lentiform nucleus by the internal capsule.

191 / 437

During a lecture on the basal nuclei, the professor mentions a part of the corpus striatum which is associated with the lateral ventricle medially and the internal capsule laterally. Which of the following structures of the corpus striatum is being mentioned? – 2023

The side of the body showing motor symptoms is opposite to the side of the brain affected in Parkinson’s disease. Focus on the role of the substantia nigra in dopaminergic signaling.

192 / 437

Tags: 2024

A 62-year-old man has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease after the neurological examination revealed a resting tremor of the left hand, slow gait, and lack of the normal range of facial expression. Which of the following is the most likely location of the degenerative changes?

Which spinal cord syndrome presents with ipsilateral motor and proprioception loss but contralateral pain and temperature loss?

193 / 437

Tags: 2019

What is another name for the hemisection of the spinal cord?

🧠 “Which pathway carries signals away from the cerebellum instead of bringing sensory input to it?”


194 / 437

Tags: 2018

The inferior cerebellar peduncles (to the medulla) do not compose of afferent fibers from which of the following?

This brainstem region contains the descending sympathetic pathways, and a hemorrhage here causes unopposed parasympathetic activity, leading to miosis.

195 / 437

Tags: 2021

Pinpoint pupils are seen in hemorrhage of which of the following?

This type of herniation pushes brain tissue affecting an artery that supplies the medial part of the brain, including lower limb areas.

196 / 437

Tags: 2021

The anterior cerebral artery will be compressed as a result of which of the following?

Think about the medial surface of the brain and the artery (ACA) supplying it. Consider which areas control the lower limbs, as this region is typically involved in infarctions affecting the medial cerebral hemispheres.

197 / 437

An unconscious male patient is brought to the emergency room. An MRI of the brain is performed and reveals infarction of the medial surface of the cerebral hemispheres. Which of the following cortical areas is likely to be affected in this case?

“These fibers arise from the inferior olivary nucleus and provide strong excitatory input to Purkinje cells in the cerebellum.

198 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following are the only climbing fibers in the cerebellum?

distinguishes between sensory ataxia (dorsal column damage) and cerebellar ataxia—only sensory ataxia improves with visual input.

199 / 437

Tags: 2022

A lesion in the dorsal column tract causes loss of proprioception resulting in severe ataxia. It can be confirmed by which of the following signs?

The pyramids are part of the “pyramidal system,”

200 / 437

Tags: 2017

Pyramids in the medulla are formed by which of the following fibers?

“Dural folds are made of dura mater and help support brain structures, while this structure is part of the endocrine system and regulates hormones.”

201 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which one of the following is not a dural fold?

🧠 “Which part of the hypothalamus prevents you from overeating by signaling fullness?”


202 / 437

Tags: 2020

What does the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus control?

  • Focus on the functional roles of hypothalamic nuclei. The supraoptic nucleus is specifically involved in osmoreception and ADH release.

203 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following hypothalamic nucleus acts as an osmoreceptor?

“This nucleus controls eye movement muscles but is not involved in the pupillary light reflex.”

204 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following is not part of the pathway of visual reflex?

Which cranial nerve controls most of the extraocular muscles and has its nucleus located in the midbrain at the level of the superior colliculus?

205 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which cranial nerve nucleus is present at the level of the superior colliculus?

“This structure in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord is responsible for processing pain before sending the signal across to the opposite side of the spinal cord and up to the brain.”

206 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which structure acts as the second-order neuron for the spinothalamic tract?

🧠 “If a patient suddenly struggles to speak or understand words after a stroke, what condition is most likely?”

207 / 437

Tags: 2018

What is the language deficit accompanying cerebral stroke called?

This syndrome results from PICA infarction and is characterized by hoarseness, dysphagia, and ipsilateral facial sensory loss with contralateral body pain and temperature loss.

208 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following is true regarding the lateral medullary syndrome?

The groove labelled A lies along the ventral surface of the pons and is a hallmark feature

209 / 437

Tags: 2024

The artery present in the groove labelled by arrow A is:

This cranial nerve is responsible for facial sensation and has nuclei spanning the entire brainstem

210 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which cranial nerve nucleus extends throughout all three structures of the brainstem?

“Which two structures form the main input region of the basal ganglia and are involved in motor control and learning?”

211 / 437

Tags: 2019

The neostriatum consists of which of the following pairs of structures?

This artery is primarily responsible for blood supply to the medial parts of the frontal and parietal lobes, including regions that control movement and sensory perception of the lower limbs and are also involved in higher cognitive functions.

212 / 437

Tags: 2021

A 34-year-old man complains of hemisensory loss and hemiparesis of the leg and foot of the contralateral side of the body. He also has difficulty in identifying objects and has developed personality changes. His MRI shows a compromised area with reduced blood supply. Which artery is responsible for these losses?

Think of the nucleus responsible for mechanoreception and fine sensory details like touch and pressure in the trigeminal nerve pathway.

213 / 437

Tags: 2024

Which of the following nuclei of the trigeminal nerve is responsible for receiving touch and pressure sensations from the face?

This hypothalamic nucleus regulates sleep-wake cycles by receiving light input from the retina.”

214 / 437

Tags: 2018

Lesion of which hypothalamic nucleus causes abnormal circadian rhythm?

The dorsal column

215 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which of the following sensations are spared in anterior cord syndrome?

It is a dopaminergic structure crucial for movement control and is situated between the crus cerebri and tegmentum.

216 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which of the following separates crus cerebri from tegmentum?

This artery primarily supplies the lateral aspect of the cerebral hemisphere, including the motor and sensory cortices, but also provides collateral blood supply to a critical visual processing region.

217 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following arteries provides collateral vascular supply to the macular region of the occipital lobe?

“Which artery supplies the midbrain structures affected in Weber syndrome?”

218 / 437

Tags: 2020

Weber syndrome is caused by the occlusion of a branch of which artery?

🧠 “The brain constantly produces CSF, but it doesn’t just keep filling up. Where does it go?”

219 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following is true regarding the subarachnoid space?

Focus on the anatomical pathways of the structures listed. Think about which structures are located outside the spinal canal and do not need to pass through the foramen magnum.

220 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which structure does not pass through the foramen magnum of the skull?

Think about the unique way the cranial dura is organized into two distinct layers. Where these layers separate, special channels are formed. Compare this arrangement to the locations of the arachnoid and pia mater to determine where these sinuses lie.

221 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following is incorrect regarding dural venous sinuses?

Follow the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through the ventricular system of the brain. Which ventricle is the last stop before CSF enters the spinal cord?

222 / 437

Tags: 2020

Central canal of spinal cord is continuous with:

Think about the spinocerebellar pathways—the cuneocerebellar tract is specifically for the upper body, just like the dorsal spinocerebellar tract is for the lower body.

223 / 437

Tags: 2022

The cuneocerebellar pathway conveys information from which of the following?

This structure contains a narrow channel responsible for CSF flow between the third and fourth ventricles. When blocked, it leads to a classic form of non-communicating hydrocephalus.”

224 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which part of the brain must be blocked to produce an enlargement of the third and lateral ventricles on a child’s radiograph?

Consider whether the vein is superficial or deep. The superior sagittal sinus primarily collects blood from superficial veins on the brain’s convexity, not deep or basal structures.


225 / 437

Which of the following veins drains into the superior sagittal sinus? – 2023

“Which artery supplies the area responsible for leg movements on the homunculus?”

226 / 437

Tags: 2020

A 50-year-old patient with a history of hypertension is brought to the outpatient department. Examination reveals weakness and loss of sensation mainly affecting right leg, right foot, and perineum. Which one of the following arteries is occluded?

Which cranial nerve nucleus is located deeper in the medulla and does not contribute visibly to the fourth ventricle floor?”

227 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which nucleus is not present on the floor of the fourth ventricle?

Think about the pathway responsible for fine touch, vibration, and proprioception.

228 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following tract conveys information about highly localized touch sensations and proprioception?

Woop di doo.

229 / 437

Tags: 2024

Main input site of basal nuclei

🧠 “Which cranial nerve is the only one to exit from the back of the brainstem?”

230 / 437

Tags: 2020

Where does the trochlear nerve emerge from?

“Which part of the lateral ventricle is closest to the basal ganglia?”

231 / 437

Tags: 2020

A newborn baby was brought to the neurology outpatient department because the large size of the fetal head-MRI shows fluid in the lateral ventricle. The appropriate part of the lateral ventricle formed by the head of the caudate nucleus is?

“This small opening allows CSF to flow from the lateral ventricles into the midline third ventricle before continuing its journey downward. What is its name?”

232 / 437

Tags: 2019

The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaves the lateral ventricles to flow into the third ventricle through which of the following structures?

“This structure in the pons is crucial for auditory signal transmission and includes decussating fibers from the cochlear nuclei.”

233 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following is the most appropriate statement regarding pons?

“Think about which cervical nerve is too low to significantly contribute to cranial dura innervation.”

234 / 437

Tags: 2020

The dura mater does not receive innervation from which of the following?

A patient with sensory ataxia will struggle to maintain balance only when eyes are closed, but a cerebellar lesion will cause ataxia even with eyes open.

235 / 437

Tags: 2016

What does a positive Romberg test indicate?

Focus on the bones forming the anterior cranial fossa, specifically the ones forming its boundary.

236 / 437

Tags: 2024

During a road traffic accident, a person had a fracture of the skull. The fracture involved the bones of the anterior cranial fossa. Which one of the following bones could be fractured in the above case?

This brainstem region is a natural painkiller hub—when damaged, pain perception increases due to loss of inhibition.

237 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 55-year-old woman presents to the emergency room with a head injury following a road traffic accident. MRI scans reveal damage to the periaqueductal gray area of the midbrain. A lesion in this area is most likely to result in which of the following signs or symptoms?

A clear sensory level + UMN signs + autonomic dysfunction?

238 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 20-year-old male presented to the neurology outpatient department with complaints of bilateral lower limb weakness and urinary incontinence for the last 4 days. On examination, he had decreased power in both lower limbs with increased tone, brisk reflex, and upgoing plantar. The sensory level was found at the xiphisternum. What is the most likely neurological localization in this case?

Think about the limbic structure that curves downward in front of the interventricular foramen.

239 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following is present anterior to the interventricular foramen?

  • VPL = Body
  • VPM = Face 

240 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following sensations are relayed at the ventral posterolateral nuclei of the thalamus before reaching the post-central gyrus?

Could a structure dedicated to sensory processing be restricted..

241 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which statement is inappropriate regarding the dorsal horn of the grey matter of the spinal cord?

Which part of the brain contains the motor homunculus, responsible for controlling voluntary muscle movements, including those of the hand?

242 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following is responsible for fine hand movements?

Think of lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg syndrome), which is caused by an infarct in PICA, affecting the medulla.

243 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which one of the following arteries supplies the medulla oblongata?

Focus on the distinction between short association fibers (connecting nearby gyri) and long association fibers(connecting distant areas within the same hemisphere). Pay attention to the size and connections of these fibers.

244 / 437

Which of the following statements regarding the long association fibers is incorrect? – 2023

This structure is an endocrine gland located within the sella turcica and is not associated with the dural reflections that separate the brain structures.

245 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which one of the following is not a dural fold?

This condition results from a severe spinal cord injury

246 / 437

Tags: 2021

A person had an accident after which he is unable to move his body, except for his head, and the weak shrugging of the shoulders. He has also lost all his senses including light touch, pain, and temperature senses below the neck level, and is now unable to perceive his position in space. The doctor immediately provides him with ventilation as he was not able to breathe properly. Which of the following is suspected?

“This foramen serves as the passageway for a nerve branch responsible for sensory innervation of the upper jaw, including the cheeks, nasal cavity, and upper teeth.”

247 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which one of the following nerves passes through foramen rotundum?

its presence in adults suggests corticospinal tract damage.

248 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which of the following indicates an upper motor neuron lesion?

“These specialized motor neurons are among the largest in the human brain and are found in a layer responsible for sending signals to the spinal cord.”

249 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which statement is incorrect about pyramidal cell morphology?

The nerve responsible for the sense of smell is most vulnerable to injury in a fracture of the bone at the front of the skull.

250 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which cranial nerve will most likely be injured in an anterior cranial fossa fracture?

Focus on the medial lemniscus, which carries sensory information for proprioception and vibration to the contralateral side of the body.


251 / 437

Tags: 2024

Which of the following is one of the clinical features of medial medullary syndrome?

This brain region helps convert sounds into meaningful words—without it, speech sounds like meaningless noise.

252 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 56-year-old woman presents to the outpatient clinic with the complaint of not being able to understand spoken language. She can, however, interpret written symbols and speech. Which of the following areas of the cerebral cortex is most likely to be damaged in this case?

“This cranial nerve passes through the middle of the cavernous sinus near the internal carotid artery, making it more vulnerable to injury in thrombosis

253 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which one of the following nerves is not present at the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus?

Think about which pathway transmits crude touch rather than fine, discriminatory touch

254 / 437

Tags: 2022

During an examination of a young boy, the child feels very ticklish so it becomes difficult for the doctor to examine him. Which of the following tract carries the above sensation?

“Which brain region is responsible for planning and initiating movement before signals reach the basal ganglia?”

255 / 437

Tags: 2020

The majority of afferent fibers in basal ganglia come from which of the following structures?

“Think about the pathway that allows you to feel the soft touch of a feather and know where your foot is in space—even with your eyes closed. This tract runs through the back of the spinal cord and relays fine sensory input.”


256 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following is an ascending tract in the posterior white column?

“Fine touch and proprioception cross over at the medulla before reaching the thalamus, so a lesion here affects the opposite side of the body.

257 / 437

Tags: 2018

A person has lost two-point discrimination in their right hand. A finding such as this is present due to a lesion in which of the following?

“Which opening in the skull leads to the inner ear and also transmits the facial nerve?”

258 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following does the vestibulocochlear nerve pass through?

“This structure is responsible for fine motor coordination and balance. Its cortex is highly organized but differs in complexity from the cerebral cortex.”

259 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which one of the following is not true about the cerebellar cortex?

“Think about the part of the cerebellum that is closely connected to the vestibular system. Which lobe integrates sensory information about head position and movement to maintain balance and posture?”

260 / 437

Tags: 2019

An old man was having difficulty in walking and maintaining his posture. A lesion in which of the following structures will cause these symptoms?

Focus on the anatomical levels of the brainstem and the specific cranial nerve nuclei associated with each level. The superior colliculus is a structure in the midbrain, so look for a cranial nerve nucleus that is also located in the midbrain.

261 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which cranial nerve nucleus is present at the level of the superior colliculus?

These muscles are primarily responsible for the movements that allow you to tilt your head and shrug your shoulders, working together to facilitate both neck and shoulder motion.

262 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following pairs of muscles is involved in shrugging of the shoulders and the movement of the neck?

The fibers carrying visual information take a lateral route—are they closer to the ventricle or the white matter?”

263 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which one of the following statements is not true about the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle?

The pathway responsible for fine touch and proprioception crosses over at the medulla, while pain and temperature sensation cross at the spinal cord level.

264 / 437

Tags: 2016

A person has lost two-point discrimination in their right hand. A finding such as this is present due to a lesion in which of the following?

This nerve is cranial in origin and specifically enables you to lift your shoulders, as well as some neck movements.

265 / 437

Tags: 2021

A 21-year-old male got into an accident and is unable to move his body, except for the weak shrugging of his shoulders and the movement of his head. Which of the following nerves must be intact to allow this movement of the shoulders?

“Think of a narrow passageway that serves as a bridge between two larger fluid-filled spaces in the brainstem.”

266 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following cavities is present in the midbrain?

Only fibers from the inferior olivary nucleus directly synapse onto Purkinje cells in the cerebellum

267 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following are the only climbing fibers in the cerebellum?

Think of the hypothalamic nucleus that controls sleep-wake cycles by regulating melatonin secretion.

268 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following hypothalamic nuclei acts as the body’s primary circadian pacemaker?

This structure is a relay station for sensory signals before they are transmitted to the sensory cortex. It is located on the opposite side of the body from where the sensory stimulus was detected.

269 / 437

Tags: 2016

Where does the third order neuronal cell body of the spinothalamic tract lie?

Think of olfactory signals crossing between hemispheres

270 / 437

Tags: 2022

What are the commissural fibers associated with the olfactory pathway called?

Think about the artery that runs between the skull and dura mater and is most commonly injured in head trauma. Which artery is responsible for epidural hematomas?

271 / 437

Tags: 2020

A boy was pushed down the hill during the fight with his friends. As a result, he acquired a head injury. On examination, a hematoma is seen between the skull base and dura mater. Which of the following arteries is involved?

“Which structure allows CSF to exit into the venous system while preventing backflow?”

272 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which structure in the CNS acts like valves to pour the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the blood?

This structure is involved in visual reflexes and is located in the midbrain, at the same level as the oculomotor nerve nucleus.

273 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following structures is present at the level of the oculomotor nerve nucleus?

This nucleus is unique because it is a sensory ganglion inside the CNS and plays a role in jaw reflexes.

274 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which nucleus receives information about proprioception from the head and neck?

🧠 “Which cortical structure is hidden inside the lateral sulcus and involved in autonomic and emotional processing?”

275 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which structure is present deep in the lateral sulcus?

This condition involves cystic dilation of the fourth ventricle, cerebellar vermis agenesis, and hydrocephalus.

276 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following is associated with an enlargement of the posterior cranial fossa?

Focus on the location of the tumor (midbrain) and the pathway of CSF. Think about which structure in the midbrain could block the flow from the third to the fourth ventricle.

277 / 437

A 50-year-old male patient undergoes a CT scan which reveals a tumor of the midbrain. It shows symmetrical distension of the lateral ventricles and the third ventricle. Which of the following structures is most likely obstructed by the tumor in this case? – 2023

Which part of the basal ganglia first receives signals from the cortex and processes them before sending them to other basal ganglia structures?

278 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following is the main input unit of basal ganglia?

If you lost the ability to feel your body’s position and vibrations from your feet, this major spinal pathway would be disrupted.

279 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following is responsible for carrying vibratory and proprioceptive information from the lower parts of the body?

This dopaminergic structure plays a key role in movement and is affected in Parkinson’s disease.”

280 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following separates crus cerebri from tegmentum?

“This groove accommodates a major artery and runs along the midline of the brainstem’s bridge-like structure.”

281 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which anatomical feature is present on the anterior surface of the pons?

“These pathways in the CNS carry sensory or motor signals up and down between the brain and spinal cord.”

282 / 437

Tags: 2018

What is a tract?

Which retinal cells send their axons out of the eye to form the first part of the visual pathway?

283 / 437

Tags: 2020

Axons of the optic nerve are formed by central processes of which of the following?

The nerve that transmits visual information from the retina to the brain is myelinated by cells found in the CNS, not the peripheral nervous system.

284 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which peripheral nerve is myelinated by oligodendrocytes?

This structure is part of the basal ganglia and lies just beneath the anterior horn, playing a role in motor control.

285 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following forms the floor of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle?

The nerve which travels within the cavernous sinus alongside the internal carotid artery before entering the orbit via the superior orbital fissure.


286 / 437

Tags: 2024

Labelled structure that is content of cavernous venous sinus is shown by arrow

Fluent but meaningless speech, poor comprehension, and lack of awareness = Wernicke’s aphasia.

287 / 437

Tags: 2022

Destructive lesion of the Wernicke’s area results in which of the following?

La La La… Thank you for hoping for a hint on this buddy.

288 / 437

Tags: 2024

Structure assists in the regulation of voluntary movements and learning of motor skills

Focus on the region of the brain responsible for motor planning and articulation of speech.

289 / 437

Tags: 2024

A 55-year-old female on her recovery from a recent stroke experienced difficulty in speech. She can write the words, and understand their meanings, but is unable to produce words. The affected area of the brain producing these symptoms is present in which of the following gyrus of the cerebral cortex?

“Which salivary gland receives autonomic innervation from a cranial nerve other than the facial nerve?”

290 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which structure is not innervated by the nerve emerging from the groove between pons and medulla?

This respiratory center is found in the brainstem above the medulla and works to regulate breathing by inhibiting excessive inspiration.”

291 / 437

Tags: 2018

Where is the pneumotaxic center located?

Think of the midbrain nucleus that influences voluntary movements, particularly of the upper limb flexors—this is the red nucleus, which gives rise to the rubrospinal tract.

292 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 55-year-old male presents to the emergency department after a road traffic accident. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows damage to the corticospinal tract on one side. Which of the following tract serves as an “alternative pathway” for transmitting motor signals to the spinal cord?

Think about the location of sympathetic ganglia relative to the target organs. Sympathetic fibers must often travel long distances to reach their effectors.

293 / 437

Which of the following is not a feature of postganglionic neurons of the sympathetic nervous system? – 2023

This structure is a narrow passage that runs through the midbrain, connecting two ventricles and allowing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.

294 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following cavities is present in the midbrain?

“Which brainstem region contains the motor control centers for facial expression, eye movement, and mastication?”

295 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which cranial nerve motor nuclei are present in the pons?

“Which part of the brainstem connects the pons to the higher centers of the brain?”

296 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which structure is present superior to the pons and inferior to the thalamus?

“The motor control of eye movement comes from the cortex—what part of the internal capsule handles cranial nerve motor commands?”

297 / 437

Tags: 2021

Nerves supplying extraocular muscles of the eye pass through which part of the internal capsule?

This part of the internal capsule transmits auditory radiations from the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) to the auditory cortex in the superior temporal gyrus.

298 / 437

Tags: 2017

The auditory pathway is linked to which part of the internal capsule?

“This structure is hidden deep inside the brain, within the lateral sulcus, rather than being visible on the medial surface.”

299 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following structures is NOT present on the medial side of the cerebrum?

In Brown-Séquard syndrome, motor loss occurs on the same side as the lesion because the corticospinal tract crosses above the spinal cord in the medulla.

300 / 437

Tags: 2021

Right hemisection of the spinal cord at the level of C8 will result in which of the following?

Damage to this part of the thalamus results in a devastating sensory loss, followed by intense, burning pain on the opposite side of the body.

301 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following would most likely be affected in the thalamic syndrome?

“Which of these structures is more involved in sleep cycles than emotions and behavior?”

302 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which one of the following structures is not part of the sub limbic cortex?

“Which spinal pathway is responsible for precise touch and vibration sensation?”

303 / 437

Tags: 2020

A patient comes to the neurology department with a complaint of loss of fine touch in his right upper limb. He is also unable to feel the vibration of his phone. The patient also states that he had a roadside accident a few days back. Which tract is affected?

304 / 437

Tags: 2023

Destruction of the tract causes loss of position and movements of the ipsilateral upper limbs below the level of the lesion.

Focus on the specific openings in the fourth ventricle that allow CSF to move into the space surrounding the brain.

305 / 437

Tags: 2024

Through which of the following structures does the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow from the fourth ventricle into the subarachnoid space?

This structure is part of the basal ganglia and helps regulate smooth and coordinated movements. Damage to it can lead to involuntary, slow, writhing movements.

306 / 437

Tags: 2021

Damage to which part of the brain results in a condition called athetosis?

“Which syndrome makes a person fearless, hypersexual, and overly curious?”

307 / 437

Tags: 2020

A 25-year-old female had a head injury. She is diagnosed with a case of Kluver Bucy syndrome. Which one of the following signs is not present?

“This major artery supplying the anterior spinal cord is a branch of the vertebral arteries, while the posterior spinal arteries typically arise from either the vertebral arteries or PICA.”

308 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following arteries supply blood to the spinal cord?

This major artery does not pass through the foramen magnum but instead enters the skull through the carotid canal.

309 / 437

Tags: 2021

A patient presents to the clinic with a degenerative bone disease that is causing narrowing of the foramen magnum. Which of the following structures would not be affected by the above condition?

Uncal herniation compresses CN III

310 / 437

Tags: 2016

What does uncal herniation cause?

“Which part of the basal ganglia is involved in regulating involuntary movements and is damaged in athetosis?”

311 / 437

Tags: 2020

Damage to which part of the brain results in a condition called athetosis?

Think about the structure most commonly associated with memory processing and learning. It is part of the limbic system and is critical for creating lasting memories.

312 / 437

A 44-year-old patient presents to the outpatient clinic with the complaint of being unable to recall any recently occurring events. Which of the following brain structures is responsible for converting short-term memory into long-term memory? – 2023

If a lesion occurs before decussation, the sensory loss is ipsilateral. If a lesion occurs after decussation, the sensory loss is contralateral.


313 / 437

Tags: 2021

A person has lost point discrimination on his left hand. Which structure is affected?

This nucleus is part of the basal ganglia, not the cerebellum, and is involved in voluntary movement control.

314 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following nuclei is not present in the white matter of the cerebellum?

Focus on the motor and sensory regions of the medial surface that are supplied by the anterior cerebral artery and control the lower limb.

315 / 437

Tags: 2024

After being found unconscious, a patient was admitted to the hospital. On investigation, there was an infarction involving the medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere. Which of the following areas could be affected in this case?

“The hypothalamus forms the walls of this fluid-filled space, but what structure actually lies below it?”

316 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following is wrong regarding the hypothalamus?

This fluid surrounds the brain and spinal cord, and the needle would pass through a membrane called the dura mater to reach it. This structure is also critical for cushioning and protecting the central nervous system.

317 / 437

Tags: 2016

If a needle is placed between the third and fourth lumbar vertebra, which of the following structures will it reach?

Phagocytosis is an immune function. In the CNS, the primary immune cells are microglia, which act like the brain’s macrophages.

318 / 437

Tags: 2017

What are the phagocytotic cells of the central nervous system?

Think of the midline suture running between the two parietal bones, forming the “roof” of the skull.

319 / 437

The two parietal bones form the sides and the roof of the skull and articulate with each other in the midline. Which of the following sutures is present between these bones? – 2023

Think of the that nucleus as the “feeding center”—damage leads to starvation and weight loss.

320 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 20-year-old girl presented with severe weight loss. On history, she admitted that her appetite is greatly reduced and she is experiencing sleep disturbances for the last two months. Which hypothalamic nucleus controls the appetite center?

If a patient ignores one side of their body but has no paralysis, think about right parietal lobe damage

321 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 55-year-old male patient presents to the neurology clinic with the complaint of not being able to acknowledge the left side of his body. He does not wash, shave, or use the left side of his body. A lesion in which of the following areas of the cerebral cortex is the most likely cause for this deficit in the patient?

Think of the basal ganglia structure that controls movement inhibition and how its damage leads to uncontrolled flinging movements.

322 / 437

Tags: 2022

Hemiballismus is caused due to damage to which of the following structures?

responsible for voluntary motor control of limbs.

323 / 437

Tags: 2024

Descending spinal tract formed by decussation of fibers in structure labelled by arrow E is

This cranial nerve controls tongue movement, but its nucleus is located in the ventral medulla, making it unaffected in lateral medullary syndrome.

324 / 437

Tags: 2021

The arterial supply of the dorsal and lateral walls of the medulla oblongata is affected. Which of the following will not be observed?

Think of the mnemonic “Standing Room Only” (SRO) for the trigeminal nerve exits:

  • V₁ → Superior Orbital Fissure
  • V₂ → Foramen Rotundum
  • V₃ → Foramen Ovale

325 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which nerve passes through foramen rotundum?

A stroke in this part of the internal capsule affects motor function without sensory, visual, or cognitive impairment.

326 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which part of the internal capsule is involved in a pure motor stroke?

Think about non-fluent aphasia, where patients understand language but struggle to form words.

327 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 45-year-old female is in recovery from a stroke. She is found to have difficulty in speech. She can write the words and can understand their meanings but is unable to produce words. Where is the cerebral cortical area responsible for the above-stated condition located?

“Which brain structure fine-tunes movements and prevents overshooting or undershooting?”

328 / 437

Tags: 2020

A 54-year-old man got a head injury during a road traffic accident. He was treated by a neurosurgeon in a tertiary care hospital. On examination, his reflexes are slow, there is a loss of power in the muscles and when he starts movement he feels difficulty turning off his movements. The presenting symptoms present when which one of the following parts of CNS is damaged?

  • When considering the components of the diencephalon, think about their relative sizes and functions. The thalamus is the most prominent and centrally located structure in the diencephalon.

329 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which one of the following structures is the largest component of the diencephalon?

330 / 437

Tags: 2017

What signs and symptoms will be observed as a consequence of a lesion in Wernicke’s area?

“This cerebellar zone is responsible for fine-tuning limb movements. Damage to it leads to difficulty in performing rapid alternating movements, such as pronation-supination of the hands.”

331 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following symptoms will be the result of a lesion of the intermediate zone of the cerebellum?

Think about the three-layered structure of the cerebellar cortex and the types of inhibitory interneurons present in each layer.

332 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following is the correct option regarding the cerebellum?

is a prominent bulge on the medulla oblongata caused by the nucleus, which is involved in motor coordination.

333 / 437

Tags: 2024

Underlying nuclei responsible for formation of the structure labelled by arrow D is

This condition results in the loss of motor and sensory functions in both the arms and legs, as the injury affects the most superior part of the spinal cord.

334 / 437

Tags: 2021

What would be observed in complete cord transection at the cervical level?

“This sensory structure in the dorsal medulla is positioned laterally to another sensory relay, which transmits fine touch and proprioception from the lower limb.”

335 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following is an appropriate statement regarding medulla oblongata?

“Think about what travels through the transverse foramina of cervical vertebrae rather than the skull’s largest opening.”

336 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which structure does not pass through the foramen magnum of the skull?

Focus on the side of the body with symptoms and remember that motor pathways cross over. The contralateral substantia nigra will show more prominent early degeneration.


337 / 437

A 62-year-old male patient is diagnosed with early-stage Parkinson’s disease. The neurological examination reveals a slight resting tremor of the left hand, slow gait, and lack of the normal range of facial expression. Which of the following is the most likely site of the degenerative changes at this stage of the patient’s disease? –  2023

“Which hypothalamic nuclei produce hormones that are stored and released by the posterior pituitary?”

338 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which nuclei of the hypothalamus are connected to the posterior pituitary gland?

Think about the location of the largest fontanelle in the newborn’s skull. It lies at the junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures on the top of the head.

339 / 437

During a routine examination of a newborn baby in the pediatric clinic, the physician notices a depression of the anterior fontanelle (membranous gap in between bones of the skull). The depressed fontanelle lies between which of the following bones? – 2023

This level of the spinal cord controls functions necessary for respiration and upper limb movement, and damage here often results in paralysis below the neck, with some possible sparing of head and shoulder movements.

340 / 437

Tags: 2021

A 21-year-old male got into an accident after which he could not move his body, except for the head, and the weak shrugging of the shoulders. He also lost all senses below the neck level. At which of the following levels is the lesion most likely to have occurred?

Remember the layers of the meninges and the spaces between them. The subdural space is a potential space that becomes apparent only in pathological conditions.

341 / 437

Tags: 2017

Subdural space is located between which of the following layers?

This structure helps your eyes automatically track fast-moving objects, ensuring you can follow something in motion without conscious effort.

342 / 437

Tags: 2021

The corpora quadrigemina is a region present on the posterior surface of the midbrain. Which part of it is involved in the visual pathway?

This artery is part of the posterior circulation and primarily supplies the midbrain, including the oculomotor nucleus. It is a terminal branch of the basilar artery.


343 / 437

Tags: 2020

Damage to which of the following results in lesion of the oculomotor nerve nucleus in the midbrain?

The patient understands speech but struggles to speak—which part of the brain controls speech production?.. Can’t believe i would have to repeat hints, but hey… I am as washed up as this question bank 😮

344 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 45-year-old woman suffers from a stroke and has difficulty with speech. She can write and understand speech but is unable to produce any words. The area affected in this case is located in which of the following gyri of the cerebral cortex?

Look for a fiber that connects different parts within the same hemisphere, rather than crossing to the other hemisphere or linking to lower brain structures.

345 / 437

Tags: 2022

Association fibers are the nerve fibers that connect different regions within the same hemisphere. Which of the following is categorized as the association fiber?

🧠 “When you’re scared or stressed, your heart races, your pupils dilate, and you sweat. What brain region coordinates these responses?”

346 / 437

Tags: 2018

What is the function of the hypothalamus?

“This condition results from the failure of a major white matter structure to develop properly, leading to widely spaced frontal horns of the lateral ventricles, creating the characteristic ‘bat-wing’ appearance on imaging.”

347 / 437

Tags: 2019

The brain magnetic resonance image (MRI) of an 8-year-old child shows a bat-wing deformity. Which condition is the most likely cause of this?

“Which part of the brain controls fine motor coordination and is responsible for intention tremors?”

348 / 437

Tags: 2020

A 38-year-old patient comes to the outpatient department with the complaint of shaking hands while buttoning clothes, writing, or shaving. The doctor asked him to stand still with his eyes closed and noted a negative Romberg test. Vibration senses are normal in all of the four limbs on examination. Based on the clinical picture, which area is most likely to be damaged?

The sensations carried by this pathway cross over at the medulla, not the spinal cord.

349 / 437

Tags: 2016

The dorsal column in the spinal cord carries which of the following sensations?

This type of ataxia worsens when the patient closes their eyes, as vision normally compensates for the loss of proprioception.

350 / 437

Tags: 2016

Lesion of the dorsal column results in which of the following?

“This hypothalamic nucleus produces a hormone that regulates water balance, and its damage leads to diabetes insipidus.

351 / 437

Tags: 2018

Lesion of the supraoptic nucleus results in which of the following?

The lateral spinothalamic tract carries pain and temperature sensations and crosses over at the spinal cord level

352 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which of the following indicates a lesion of the lateral spinothalamic tract?

“This cranial nerve is an extension of the central nervous system and is covered by meninges, unlike other peripheral nerves.”

353 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which peripheral nerve is myelinated by oligodendrocytes?

“Which artery supplies the medial brain regions controlling the leg and foot?”

354 / 437

Tags: 2020

A 34-year-old man complains of hemisensory loss and hemiparesis of the leg and foot of the contralateral side of the body. He also has difficulty in identifying objects and has developed personality changes. His MRI shows a compromised area with reduced blood supply. Which artery is responsible for these losses?

Think about which of these structures is responsible for motor control of a major muscle, as that will guide you to the correct answer. Consider the location of the nucleus in the spinal cord as well, particularly its role in motor versus sensory functions.

355 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following nerve cell bodies is NOT present in the posterior gray column of the spinal cord?

Think about how venous blood from the superior part of the brain ultimately reaches the internal jugular vein.

356 / 437

Tags: 2022

Where does the superior sagittal sinus drain into?

“This posterior part of the corpus callosum is responsible for interhemispheric communication of visual information.”

357 / 437

Tags: 2018

What part of corpus callosum is related to visual association?

This artery is a branch of the vertebral artery, supplying both the cerebellum and parts of the medulla, and is commonly involved in lateral medullary syndrome (Wallenberg syndrome).

358 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which artery supplies the choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle?

Think about the anatomical landmarks of the brain and their relationships to the lobes. Which sulcus is often confused with the central sulcus in separating the frontal lobe from another lobe?

359 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which one of the following statements is incorrect about the central sulcus?

“This nerve controls some extraocular muscles and is located superiorly in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus.”

360 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following nerves is present on the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus?

This nucleus receives signals from the inner ear and helps you stay balanced and upright by controlling postural muscles.

361 / 437

Tags: 2017

What is the function of the vestibular nucleus present in the brainstem?

Think about the cranial nerve responsible for the sense of smell and the bone that separates the nasal cavity from the cranial cavity. Which cranial nerve would pass through this structure?

362 / 437

A 24-year-old patient presents to the emergency department after a road accident with complaints of headache, nausea, vomiting & an altered level of consciousness. An X-ray of the skull reveals a fracture of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone. Which of the following cranial nerves passes through the foramina of this fractured bone? – 2023

This structure is a thin extension of the innermost meningeal layer, anchoring the spinal cord to the coccyx.

363 / 437

Tags: 2021

The highly vascular layer of the spinal cord forms which of the following?

Which brain structure controls movement and is affected in Parkinson’s disease?

364 / 437

Tags: 2020

The caudate nucleus, putamen, and the globus pallidus collectively make up which structure?

“The anterior spinal artery primarily supplies a long, vertical structure rather than a specific part of the brain.”

365 / 437

Tags: 2018

A 25-year-old man develops thrombosis of the anterior spinal artery. Which of the following regions will be affected the most?

“Which meningeal space contains cerebrospinal fluid and is targeted in a lumbar puncture?”

366 / 437

Tags: 2020

During lumbar puncture, where is the cerebrospinal fluid withdrawn from?

Which area of the brain is responsible for motor planning and coordination, ensuring smooth execution of voluntary movements?

367 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following sends signals to the primary motor area?

“Which brain structure modulates cortical electrical rhythms and plays a key role in EEG wave generation?”

368 / 437

Tags: 2020

Electrical recordings from the surface of the head demonstrate that there is continuous electrical activity in the brain which can be recorded in the form of multiple waves. One of these waves is an alpha wave. Which area of the brain does it originate from?

s thalamic nucleus relays touch, pain, temperature, and proprioception from the body to the primary somatosensory cortex.

369 / 437

Tags: 2020

Somatosensory information relays in which nucleus of thalamus?

“This vein is responsible for draining deep brain structures, including the thalamus and choroid plexus. What two tributaries would best serve this function?”

370 / 437

Tags: 2019

The internal cerebral vein is formed by the union of which of the following?

“This tract originates in the motor cortex, descends through the brainstem, and crosses at the medullary pyramids to control voluntary movement.”

371 / 437

Tags: 2018

Pyramids in the medulla are formed by which of the following fibers?

The area of the brain responsible for coordination, balance, and smooth speech is most likely the site of the lesion in this case.

372 / 437

Tags: 2016

A person presents to the clinic and has difficulty in balancing and has slurred speech. The lesion is present in which of the following?

LMN lesions lead to weakness with decreased muscle tone and reflexes, while UMN lesions cause increased tone and reflexes.

373 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following is a sign of lower motor neuron (LMN) lesions?

CSF exits the fourth ventricle through a structure named after an anatomist. It allows fluid to flow into the subarachnoid space, ensuring proper circulation.

374 / 437

Tags: 2019

The cerebrospinal fluid leaves the fourth ventricle through which of the following?

Recall that the spinal cord terminates at L1-L2, but the meninges (including the arachnoid) and the dural sac extend further down to provide a protective covering for the cauda equina.

375 / 437

Tags: 2024

A 20-year-old female came to the family physician with a complaint of severe back pain. Upon investigation, MRI revealed a tumor arising from cells in the middle layer of the meninges of the spinal cord. In which of the following vertebral levels does the affected layer terminate?

“This structure is the largest cerebellar peduncle, transmitting pontocerebellar fibers from the pons to the cerebellum.”

376 / 437

Tags: 2018

Pontocerebellar fibers continue as which of the following?

🧠 “Which cranial nerve is responsible for both turning the head and shrugging the shoulders?”

377 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following pairs of muscles is involved in shrugging of the shoulders and the movement of the neck?

Why is a lumbar puncture done at L3-L4 and not higher?”


378 / 437

Tags: 2018

If a needle is placed between the third and fourth lumbar vertebra, which of the following structures will it reach?

“Focus on veins that drain the deep brain structures like the thalamus, basal ganglia, and choroid plexus—these contribute to forming the internal cerebral vein.”

379 / 437

Tags: 2018

The internal cerebral vein is formed by the union of which of the following?

This symptom is caused by basal ganglia dysfunction, not cerebellar disease, and is commonly seen in Parkinson’s disease.

380 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following symptoms are not observed in cerebellar disease?

Think about the structures responsible for transferring CSF from the subarachnoid space into the venous system

381 / 437

Tags: 2024

An 8-month-old infant was brought to the pediatrician with a complaint of falling from bed. After examination and investigation, a diagnosis of increased intracranial pressure was made due to involvement of projections of the meninges responsible for the diffusion of cerebrospinal fluid into the bloodstream. Which of the following are involved projections of meninges?v

Contents of white matter and grey matter

382 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which of the following is not true regarding the white matter?

The facial colliculus is in the pons

383 / 437

Tags: 2017

Facial colliculus is formed by which of the following structures?

The midbrain is supplied by branches of the posterior circulation (vertebrobasilar system)

384 / 437

Tags: 2016

Which of the following arteries do not contribute to the blood supply of midbrain?

A person with damage to this area knows what they want to say but struggles to say it. What part of the brain controls the formation of speech?

385 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 42-year-old woman suffered a head injury in a road traffic accident. She was brought to the emergency room and underwent an MRI scan, which revealed a hemorrhage in the inferior frontal gyrus. Which of the following symptoms is the most likely manifestation of a lesion in this area of the cerebral cortex?

If you can differentiate between silk and sandpaper by touch, this pathway is at work. Ask three certain Aussie cricketers, they would know.

386 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following pathways is responsible for the transmission of senses of discriminative or fine touch?

“At this lumbar level, the spinal cord has already ended, and a bundle of nerve roots remains in the subarachnoid space.”

387 / 437

Tags: 2018

If you inserted a needle between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebra, you would probably hit which structure?

Think about the anatomical course of the facial nerve and where it exits the skull. Which cranial fossa contains the bone that houses the exit point of the facial nerve?

388 / 437

Tags: 2020

Fracture of which one of the following can damage facial nerve?

Focus on the anatomical location of each structure and its relation to the midbrain. Think about the pathway of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and which structures are directly involved in the midbrain.

389 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following cavities is present in the midbrain?

The nucleus responsible for pupil constriction must be associated with the oculomotor nerve and the parasympathetic control of the eye.

390 / 437

Tags: 2024

Constriction of the pupil is the function of the parasympathetic nervous system. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers arise from which of the following cranial nerve nuclei?

“This structure is part of the basal ganglia and plays a crucial role in the indirect pathway of movement control. Damage here leads to a failure of movement inhibition, resulting in slow, writhing, involuntary motions.”

391 / 437

Tags: 2019

A lesion in which structure will cause athetosis?

Think about the anatomical location of the midbrain and its role in controlling eye movements. Which cranial nerves are directly associated with these functions and have their nuclei in the midbrain?

392 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following cranial nerve nuclei are present in the midbrain?

“A direct blow to the temple can be deadly—what artery runs right beneath the thinnest part of the skull?”

393 / 437

Tags: 2020

A 15-year-old boy presents with a fall and fracture of the temporal bone of the skull. On computed tomography (CT) scan, he is found to have an epidural hematoma. What is the most common cause of the hematoma?

This structure, located in the midbrain, plays a role in visual reflexes and eye movement coordination.”

394 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following structures is present at the level of the oculomotor nerve nucleus?

“This sinus is located at the side of the sphenoid bone and surrounds the internal carotid artery and several cranial nerves.”

395 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which dural venous sinus is located on the floor of the middle cranial fossa at the side of the sphenoid bone?

“This tract originates in the midbrain, crosses the midline early, and helps control upper limb movements, particularly favoring flexion over extension.”


396 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which of the following tracts starts from the red nucleus, decussates in the midline, and descends down?

This system plays a crucial role in emotions, memory, and motivation and includes structures located around the thalamus and medial temporal lobe.”

397 / 437

Tags: 2018

Which of the following structures are constituents of the limbic system?

“If you touch a hot object or experience a sharp pain, your body reacts quickly. This sensation must travel through a fast, direct pathway to the brain. Which spinal tract carries this information?”

398 / 437

Tags: 2019

Pain and temperature sensations are carried by which of the following?

It is responsible for coordinating fine-tuned, rapid, and complex movements, such as shooting a basketball

399 / 437

Tags: 2016

A boy is trying to shoot a basketball. Which area in his brain will be assisting in bringing about this complex pattern of motor activity?

Think about which cranial nerve nucleus controls pupil constriction and its vulnerability in conditions like diabetes, where parasympathetic fibers may be affected without impairing motor function.

400 / 437

A diabetic patient is observed to have mydriasis while undergoing an examination in an ophthalmology clinic. All other eye movements are normal. The nerve most likely affected in this case arises from which of the following brain stem nuclei? – 2023

CSF is secreted by a structure inside the ventricles. Look for an option that is associated with ventricles and fluid regulation.

401 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following secretes cerebrospinal fluid?

“This artery supplies the anterior two-thirds of a structure responsible for motor and sensory function. A thrombosis here leads to paraplegia with preserved proprioception.”

402 / 437

Tags: 2019

A 25-year-old man develops thrombosis of the anterior spinal artery. Which of the following regions will be affected the most?

A stroke in this artery often affects language centers (if in the dominant hemisphere) and causes contralateral upper limb weakness.

403 / 437

Tags: 2021

A 58-year-old patient comes to the emergency room with his wife with complaints of inability to speak, weakness in his right upper limb, and is unable to understand what others are saying. The symptoms started 1 hour ago. He is known to have had hypertension for the past 8 years. A physical exam is performed by the doctor and a CT scan is ordered since the doctor suspects a stroke. Which artery is most likely to have the lesion?

“This sensory pathway carries pain and temperature signals and crosses in the spinal cord before ascending to the brain.”

404 / 437

Tags: 2018

Damage to which of the following results in the loss of pain sensation?

Think of the fourth ventricle lying between the brainstem and cerebellum

405 / 437

Tags: 2022

A child is brought to the emergency room with complaints of severe vomiting and seizures. A radiologic scan revealed dilation of the fourth ventricle. Which of the following structures form(s) the floor of the fourth ventricle?

Focus on the laterality of the pathways and the specific sensory modalities. Vibration from the upper limbs is carried by the fasciculus cuneatus in the ipsilateral dorsal white column.

406 / 437

Tags: 2021

Lesion of which of the following would cause loss of vibration in the upper limbs?

This white matter tract allows you to repeat what you hear—damage to it results in conduction aphasia.

407 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following structures connects Wernicke’s area to Broca’s area?

This syndrome primarily affects motor function and pain/temperature sensation, but certain sensory modalities related to spatial awareness and fine touch typically remain intact.

408 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which of the following sensations are spared in anterior cord syndrome?

The loss of pain and temperature sensation occurs on the opposite side of the body, because the pathway for these sensations crosses the midline soon after entering the spinal cord.

409 / 437

Tags: 2016

Hemisection of the spinal cord produces motor loss on the side of the lesion. Where will the loss of temperature and pain sensation take place?

When you see bilateral sensory and motor deficits below the lesion, think about complete disruption of the spinal cord. Pay attention to whether both ascending and descending tracts are involved.

410 / 437

A 53-year-old patient was brought to the emergency department after a fall. MRI scan reveals a slipped disc at the L3 level. Neurological examination shows that the patient has a bilateral loss of pain, temperature, and light touch sensation below the level of the lesion, bilateral lower motor neuron paralysis in the segment of the lesion, and bilateral spastic paralysis below the level of the lesion. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis in this case? – 2023

This nerve lets you shrug your shoulders and turn your head—without it, even a simple “no” shake becomes difficult.

411 / 437

Tags: 2022

A 67-year-old male patient presents to the clinic with complaints of not being able to shrug his shoulders and move his head from side to side over the last few days. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be damaged in this case?

“This structure, responsible for producing cerebrospinal fluid, is suspended in an upper region of one of the brain’s fluid-filled chambers.”

412 / 437

Tags: 2019

Where is the choroid plexus located?

413 / 437

Tags: 2023

Destruction of this tract produces contralateral loss of pain and thermal sensibilities below the level of the lesion.

Think about the thalamic relay station for sensory information coming from the face and trigeminal nerve.

414 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following thalamic nuclei receives sensory afferents from the face and mouth?

These sinuses are inside the dura, not between dura and arachnoid. Their structure allows bidirectional blood flow due to the absence of valves.

415 / 437

Tags: 2019

Which of the following is incorrect regarding dural venous sinuses?

Think of the biological clock (SCN) that controls the light-dark cycle and melatonin release.

416 / 437

Tags: 2022

Secretion of melatonin by the pineal gland is regulated by which one of the following parts of the diencephalon?

Crude (light) touch travels in the anterior part of the spinal cord, while fine touch, proprioception, and vibration are carried by the dorsal columns.

417 / 437

Tags: 2017

Light touch sensations are lost when which of the following is damaged?

“If you run your fingers across your cheek, which part of your brainstem is first processing that information?

418 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which trigeminal nerve nucleus senses touch and pressure from the face?

emerges between the pyramid and the olive and exits the skull through the hypoglossal canal, supplying the muscles of the tongue.

419 / 437

Tags: 2024

Labelled structure that passes through hypoglossal foramen is shown by arrow

Think about the jugular foramen, which transmits CN IX, X, and XI—it is located in the posterior cranial fossa, primarily formed by the occipital bone.

420 / 437

Tags: 2022

A radiologist, while reading the computed tomography scan, noticed a jugular tubercle grooved by IX, X, and XI cranial nerves. This tubercle is part of which of the following bones?

“The trigeminal nerve originates from this part of the brainstem, where its main sensory nucleus is also located

421 / 437

Tags: 2018

Where is the sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve present?

This cerebellar region talks to the motor cortex to plan movements before they happen, ensuring smooth execution.

422 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following parts of the cerebellum is involved in planning and coordinating movements?

This artery supplies the primary visual cortex, and its occlusion leads to vision loss on the opposite side of both eyes.”

423 / 437

Tags: 2018

Occlusion of the posterior cerebral artery would result in which of the following?

Think about the cranial nerve that controls lateral eye movement. Which nucleus does the facial nerve loop around to create the facial colliculus?

424 / 437

Tags: 2020

Facial colliculus is formed due to the looping around which of the following nuclei?

“Which C-shaped white matter structure connects the hippocampus to the hypothalamus and lies directly beneath the septum pellucidum?”

425 / 437

Tags: 2020

The lower border of septum pellucidum rests upon the upper border of which structure?

This muscle is part of the group known as the muscles of mastication and helps with both elevation and side-to-side grinding motions when chewing.

426 / 437

Tags: 2017

Which of the following muscles acts synergetically with the masseter to elevate the mandible and produce smaller grinding movements?

Before reaching the brain, visual information travels in a way that initially keeps things separate but later mixes signals from both sides. Where in this pathway does this crucial switch happen?

427 / 437

Tags: 2022

Which of the following statements distinguishes the optic nerve from the optic tract?

“Which two basal ganglia structures are heavily involved in movement regulation and receive input from the cortex?”

428 / 437

Tags: 2020

The neostriatum consists of which of the following pairs of structures?

Think about the hierarchy of motor control. Which areas are involved in the planning and preparation stages of movement, as opposed to the execution or refinement stages?

429 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which structure controls the function of the motor cortex?

Consider which cranial nerve exits through the stylomastoid foramen and what functions it controls.

430 / 437

Tags: 2022

An 80-year-old male came to the hospital with a head injury due to a bad fall. He had a stylomastoid fracture. Which of the following nerves is most likely to be damaged?

This pathway carries conscious proprioception and vibration sense, and its damage leads to a positive Romberg sign.”

431 / 437

Tags: 2018

Lesions in which of the following results in sensory ataxia?

Think about the bony structure in the skull base that forms a slope and lies directly anterior to the brainstem. Which structure is closely related to the pons?

432 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which one of the following bone structures is related to pons?

Which brain regions are involved in active thinking, problem-solving, and attention processing?

433 / 437

Tags: 2020

Where are beta waves commonly observed?

A stroke in this artery leads to contralateral lower limb weakness and sensory deficits.

434 / 437

Tags: 2021

Which artery is involved in the supply of leg and foot areas of the primary motor cortex?

Which structure in the medulla is responsible for carrying voluntary motor signals from the cortex to the spinal cord? Look for the term associated with “decussation” of motor fibers.

435 / 437

Tags: 2020

What is the enlargement of the medulla formed by the cortical motor tract?

436 / 437

Tags: 2023

Loss of all sensations at the level of the lesion?

“Which hypothalamic nucleus tells you to stop eating?”

437 / 437

Tags: 2020

Which nucleus of the hypothalamus contains the satiety center?

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