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Questions from the 2023 Module + Annual Exam

This essential amino acid is a precursor for serotonin and melatonin, and it feeds into both glucose and ketone body production.

1 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which amino acid has both glucogenic and ketogenic metabolic properties?

These jumping genes play a significant role in bacterial resistance, allowing rapid adaptation to antibiotics.

2 / 73

Category: Foundation – Microbiology

Which of the following statements best corresponds to transposons?

Which of these cells doesn’t belong in connective tissue and instead works in secreting mucus?

3 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

Which of the following cells is not a component of connective tissue?

This protein acts as a “bridge” between the cell’s internal structure and the basement membrane, ensuring epithelial stability.

4 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

A researcher is investigating the protein utilized by hemidesmosomes to form an attachment to the extracellular matrix. Which of the following proteins is the researcher investigating?

This strong glycosidic bond makes up the main component of plant cell walls, and humans lack the enzyme to break it down.

5 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which type of glycosidic linkage is present in cellulose that cannot be digested with amylase present in saliva and pancreatic juice?

Most enveloped viruses exit the host cell by budding, acquiring their lipid coat from the same structure that encloses the cell.

6 / 73

Category: Foundation – Microbiology

Enveloped viruses are sensitive to desiccation and are mostly transmitted through the body fluids. From where do these viruses derive their envelopes from?

This condition is characterized by bowed legs in children due to defective bone mineralization caused by low calcium and phosphate levels.

7 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which of the following is caused by the deficiency of vitamin D?

Being culturally competent means respecting beliefs while ensuring medical needs are met through mutual understanding.

8 / 73

Category: Foundation – Community Medicine

While dealing with a case of intellectual disability, the father of a child wanted medical treatment for the child, while the mother thought that her child was having evil spirit effects and should be treated by faith healers. Being a culturally competent doctor, how would you deal with such a situation?

Consider the central dogma of molecular biology: DNA -> RNA -> Protein. Where does protein synthesis take place? Also, think about the roles of the RER and Golgi in protein modification and transport.

9 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

After taking a high-protein meal, which of the following cellular organelles are most active in manufacturing pepsinogen in the stomach?

These two hexoses differ only at the 4th carbon, and one of them is a major component of lactose (milk sugar).

10 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Epimers are carbohydrates that vary in one position for the placement of the OH group. Which of the following is an example of an epimer?

Your brain learns from mistakes—if a movement isn’t perfect, it adjusts for next time. What do we call this process?

11 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

Sensory nerve signals from the moving parts apprise the brain of whether the movement is performed correctly. If not, the brain corrects it the next time movement is required. What is the name of this process?

This virus cannot replicate on its own—it requires another hepatitis virus to provide necessary envelope proteins.

12 / 73

Category: Foundation – Microbiology

Some viruses are defective and need another virus to help replicate. Which of the following is an example of these viruses?

This flagellar arrangement enhances motility by using multiple flagella at one pole of the cell.

13 / 73

Category: Foundation – Microbiology

What is a cluster of polar flagella in a bacterial cell known as?

This bone acts as a bridge between the central skeleton and the limbs—where does it belong?

14 / 73

Category: Foundation – Anatomy

A radiologist noticed a fracture of a bone that connects the axial skeleton with the appendicular skeleton on an X-ray. What is the regional classification of the fractured bone?

This drug administration route passes through the liver before entering systemic circulation, significantly reducing bioavailability.

15 / 73

Category: Foundation – Pharmacology

A 45-year-old patient is being administered a drug through a route that offers the most first-pass metabolism. Through which route is the drug most likely being administered?

Think about the layers of cells in a developing follicle and their respective roles in hormone production. Which layer is the primary source of the precursor to estrogen?

16 / 73

Category: Foundation – Embryology

The hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual character in females is released and distributed from which of the following cells?

This organelle is often called the powerhouse of the cell, and it has its own unique, circular DNA inherited only from the mother

17 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

Within the cell, DNA is in the nucleus. Which other structure within the cell organelles listed below also contains DNA?

These amphipathic molecules, secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, help break down fat globules into micelles for easier digestion by enzymes.

18 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Emulsification of fats is a process in which large complex fat globules get converted into smaller fat molecules. Which emulsifying agent is present in the gastrointestinal tract for the digestion of fats?

This concept refers to widely accepted behaviors and expectations within a society rather than personal beliefs or interpretations.

19 / 73

Category: Foundation – Community Medicine

During an awareness talk about mental health issues and their treatment, it was highlighted that mental illness should not be stigmatized and must be treated according to ethical principles. Hence, doctors should also treat their patients without any commercial benefit from the pharmaceutical companies because of the high regard of doctors in the community. Which of the following best describes this example?

Think about which organelles are involved in detoxification processes and which organelle has a major role in lipid synthesis.

20 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

A person consumes alcohol in high quantity. Which of the following organelles is active in the liver to combat the toxic effect of the alcohol?

Consider the osmolarity of the solution relative to the intracellular fluid of RBCs and the direction of water movement across the cell membrane.

21 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

If red blood cells are placed in a solution containing 0.3% NaCl, what will be the effect on them?

This anticoagulant glycosaminoglycan contains a highly sulfated sugar with a unique uronic acid that enhances antithrombin activity.

22 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which repeating disaccharide units make the anticoagulant polymer heparin?

This monounsaturated fatty acid (ω-9) is commonly found in cell membranes and olive oil, contributing to membrane fluidity.

23 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which of the following is the most abundant unsaturated fatty acid in membrane lipids?

These thread-like appendages help bacteria move, allowing them to swim toward food sources or escape harmful conditions.

24 / 73

Category: Foundation – Microbiology

What is the function of flagella in a bacterial cell?

This type of bone develops within a tendon and is found near joints to protect the tendon and enhance muscle function—what kind of bone is it?

25 / 73

Category: Foundation – Anatomy

A patient comes to an emergency with a patellar fracture due to an automobile accident. An X-ray confirmed several small fragments of the patella, and the knee is in a semi-flexed position. Which type of bone is fractured?


Think about which organelles are involved in detoxification processes and which organelle has a major role in lipid synthesis.

26 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

A person consumes alcohol in high quantity. Which of the following organelles are active in the liver to combat the toxic effect of the alcohol?

This single cell has the potential to form an entire organism, including both the embryo and supporting structures—what is it?


27 / 73

Category: Foundation – Embryology

During development, which of the following has totipotent cells?

This extra layer of dead, translucent cells is found only where friction is highest, such as palms and soles.

28 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

A 32-year-old female suffering from lifelong atopic eczema comes to her dermatologist with a rash on her hand, which appeared after direct contact with dish soap. She has a history of rash from wearing certain clothing and jewelry. Which layer of skin is found only in thick skin?

As DNA unwinds, it twists and tangles—which enzyme cuts and relaxes it to prevent damage?

29 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which enzyme is responsible for releasing DNA supercoils?

This organelle is called the “powerhouse of the cell” because it produces ATP for sustained muscle contraction.

30 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

During a marathon race of 10km distance, an athlete requires which of the following organelles abundantly in muscle fibers?

This type of cartilage serves as a blueprint for most bones in the developing fetus before being replaced by bone.

31 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

Which of the following structure forms the skeleton of the fetus?

Drugs that are highly lipid-soluble or bind extensively to tissues tend to have a large Vd, meaning they are stored in body compartments outside the bloodstream.

32 / 73

Category: Foundation – Pharmacology

A pharmacologist invents a new drug and experiments with it on a human volunteer. What is the earliest evidence that the drug is most likely being stored in tissue?

This condition involves having an extra chromosome, rather than rearranging genetic material within a chromosome.

33 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which of the following is not classified as a structural chromosomal abnormality?

This drug was once given to pregnant women for nausea but was banned after it caused severe limb malformations in newborns.

34 / 73

Category: Foundation – Embryology

Which of the following drugs results in phocomelia in case of its exposure during development?

This injury causes cell membrane rupture, leading to leakage of intracellular enzymes like CK-MB into the blood.

35 / 73

Category: Foundation – Pathology

A patient was admitted with severe substernal chest pain of 4-hour duration. His lab tests revealed an increased level of serum creatine kinase. Which of the following conditions causes this increase?

This term is used for diseases that never truly disappear from a region but remain at a steady level.

36 / 73

Category: Foundation – Community Medicine

What is it called when a specific infection is persistent, usually at a low level in a certain geographical area?

This connective tissue mucopolysaccharide builds up in Hunter’s disease, leading to organ damage and skeletal abnormalities.

37 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which mucopolysaccharide accumulates due to the deficiency of iduronate sulfatase in Hunter’s disease?

This type of calcification occurs due to hypercalcemia and begins in organelles responsible for ATP production.

38 / 73

Category: Foundation – Pathology

Which of the following statements is correct regarding metastatic calcification?

This superantigen-producing bacterium is coagulase-positive and commonly associated with tampon use, surgical wounds, and post-partum infections.

39 / 73

Category: Foundation – Microbiology

Toxic shock syndrome caused by exotoxin directly binds to class II MHC protein and T-cell receptor. Which of the following organisms is responsible for this disease?

This lipid molecule stabilizes the membrane, so its reduction makes the membrane more fluid and flexible.

40 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Decrease in which of the following increases the fluidity of the cell membrane?

These long, negatively charged polysaccharides are essential for hydration and support in cartilage and connective tissues.

41 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Proteoglycans are conjugated proteins that contain carbohydrates in which form?

Think about how a thicker barrier makes it harder for molecules to pass through—what factor directly increases this barrier?

42 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

An increase in which of the following decreases the rate of diffusion across the cell membrane?

This term is used in medical diagnosis and refers to any disruption in normal function, whether its cause is known or unknown.

43 / 73

Category: Foundation – Community Medicine

What term describes any abnormality or disruption in the normal structure or function of a body part, organ, or system, which is marked by a specific set of symptoms and signs, and whose underlying cause, nature, and outcome may be identified or unknown?

These junctions act like “watertight seals”, ensuring that urine stays inside the bladder without leaking into surrounding tissues. These junctions are made up of zona occludins and claudins.

44 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

Urine is confined to the urinary bladder due to the cell junctions that connect the cell to the urinary bladder. These junctions form a barrier that prevents the exchange of ions and solutes between blood and urine. What is the likely identity of these junctions?

After fertilization, the zygote must divide into many cells rapidly before forming a recognizable structure—what is this process called?

45 / 73

Category: Foundation – Embryology

A zygote undergoes which of the following mechanisms after fertilization?

In brain infarcts, enzymatic digestion dominates, rather than structural preservation. resulting in which type of necrosis?

46 / 73

Category: Foundation – Pathology

A patient suffers a stroke and has left-sided weakness and paralysis in the upper extremity. Which type of necrosis is associated with a well-developed infarct of the brain?

This type of antagonism neutralizes toxins by direct binding, rather than working through receptor mechanisms.

47 / 73

Category: Foundation – Pharmacology

A patient is given drug X to decrease the toxicity of heavy metal by directly binding to it and not allowing it to bind to tissues. Which of the following is an example of this kind of antagonism?

Since NaCl cannot cross cell membranes freely, the infused fluid remains in the extracellular space, hence ECF will…?

48 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

A 20-year-old boy mistakenly infused a one-liter extra amount of 0.9% NaCl solution. What will be the intermediate effect of this infusion on his body fluid compartment?

This type of volume contraction occurs when the body loses more water than sodium, making the ECF hyperosmotic and drawing fluid out of the ICF.

49 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

A football player from Lyari, while playing in excessively hot weather, felt dizzy and was brought to the hospital. On examination, he was found to be dehydrated, his blood pressure was low (70/50), and his pulse rate was high (110 b/min). Which of the following explains the patient’s condition?

This structure appears first in the epiblast, guiding the formation of all three germ layers in the embryo.

50 / 73

Category: Foundation – Embryology

During observing an embryological OSPE exam, the student identifies the process of gastrulation. Which process marks its commencement?

After ovulation, this hormone supports the uterine lining, ensuring it is ready for a potential pregnancy.

51 / 73

Category: Foundation – Embryology

Which of the following hormone acts on the endometrium during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle?

This plasmid type enables bacteria to resist antibiotics, making infections harder to treat and contributing to antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

52 / 73

Category: Foundation – Microbiology

Which plasmid makes the bacterial cell develop resistance against some specific antibiotics?

These pro-apoptotic proteins create mitochondrial pores, leading to cytochrome c release and activation of caspases.

53 / 73

Category: Foundation – Pathology

Regarding apoptosis which pair is matched correctly?

This second messenger is produced from PIP₂ breakdown and directly binds to SR receptors to release Ca²⁺.

54 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

Intracellular Ca2+ concentration greatly impacts the force of muscular contraction. Which of the following second messenger has a role in the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum?

The first tRNA must bind where the polypeptide chain starts growing—which site does this in the ribosome?

55 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

During translation, the initiation codon of mRNA attaches to the ribosome at which site?

This epithelium is so thin that substances can pass through it effortlessly, making it ideal for gas exchange and filtration.

56 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

During a histology lecture, the professor discussed about function of epithelium that allows the rapid exchange of gases, active transport by pinocytosis and facilitates movement of viscera and secretions of biologically active substances. Which of the following epithelium types is being described above?

This small healthcare facility is located in rural areas, providing basic medical services, immunizations, and maternal care.

57 / 73

Category: Foundation – Community Medicine

Pakistan has a three-tier healthcare system organization. The first level of care provides primary healthcare services to people. Which of the following is the component of the first level of healthcare facilities of the three-tier system?

Poor sanitation and contamination are major risk factors for this type of disease transmission.

58 / 73

Category: Foundation – Community Medicine

Through which of the following ways are gastrointestinal tract diseases commonly transmitted in a human?

This muscle type requires rapid calcium release for contraction, so its triad structure consists of a central invagination surrounded by two calcium stores.

59 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

A histopathologist is observing a slide of muscular tissue under a microscope showing striations and peripherally located multiple nuclei. Which of the following triads is a feature of this tissue?

This secondary structure is a right-handed coil, found abundantly in fibrous and globular proteins, and is stabilized by hydrogen bonding between every fourth amino acid.

60 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which secondary structure is characterized by a single, spiral chain of amino acids and is stabilized by hydrogen bonds?

This pump is crucial for resting membrane potential and works by removing more positive charges than it brings in, keeping the inside of the cell more negative.

61 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

Sodium-potassium ATPase functions to pump the which of following ions inside and outside the cell?

That was legitness~Vine R.I.P

62 / 73

Category: Foundation – Community Medicine

The nurse in charge was very strict in the administration and management of her ward in the hospital. She does not hesitate to complain to higher authorities about someone making a mistake but is also quite generous when someone does a good job. In this case, the nurse in charge has what type of power over others?

This second messenger is targeted by drugs like nitrates and sildenafil (Viagra) to enhance blood vessel relaxation.

63 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

Myocardial ischemia triggers coronary endothelial cells to release nitric oxide. In response, nitric oxide will activate which of the following second messenger?

This process converts DNA information into an RNA message, which is later used for protein synthesis.

64 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

Which of the following describes the process by which mRNA synthesis is initiated, elongated, and terminated?

These tiny structures on intestinal cells help absorb nutrients—without them, food passes through undigested, causing diarrhea and weight loss.

65 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

A 20-day-old neonate was diagnosed with chronic diarrhea. The consultant explained to the resident that this was due to the defect in the surface modification of the epithelial lining of the small intestine leading to severe diarrhea and malnutrition. Which of the following is defective in the above case?

This vitamin is essential for NAD/NADP formation, and its deficiency leads to the classic “3 Ds”—skin rash, GI issues, and mental disturbances.

66 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

A patient came to the outpatient department with a condition that causes a dark, sometimes scaly rash to develop on skin areas exposed to sunlight. He also complained of bright redness of the tongue and constipation/diarrhea. Which deficiency causes this condition?

This epithelium specializes in absorption and secretion and is found throughout the digestive system, except in the esophagus and anus.

67 / 73

Category: Foundation – Histology

Under microscope examination, a single layer of tall cells is found resting on the basement membrane. The height of the cell is greater as compared to its thickness with basally placed nuclei. Which of the following tissues is being observed?

This bone doesn’t follow the usual shape categories—it’s uniquely structured to support body weight and form a major joint. Also part of the pelvic girdle.

68 / 73

Category: Foundation – Anatomy

A 65-year-old female came to the emergency with a hip bone fracture due to slipping on a wet floor. An X-ray revealed she has osteoporosis, which has weakened her bones to a point where they can easily break. Which type of bone is fractured?

This person inspires and transforms others through their actions rather than just authority.

69 / 73

Category: Foundation – Community Medicine

A professor of public health was very popular amongst students. Her actions inspired others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. Which of the following best describes this definition according to John Quincy Adams?

After eating, your body focuses on digesting food and resting, not fighting or running—what part of the nervous system controls this?

70 / 73

Category: Foundation – Physiology

A 21-year-old medical student decides to take a nap after having his lunch. Which of the following nervous systems is activated?

These strong covalent bonds are responsible for stabilizing multi-subunit proteins and can be broken by reducing agents.

71 / 73

Category: Foundation – Biochemistry

In quaternary structure, cysteine residues interact with the other polypeptide chains with the help of which of the following bonds?

In meiosis, chromosomes don’t just line up individually—they form pairs with their homologous partners.

72 / 73

Category: Foundation – Embryology

A first-year medical student was observing the metaphase of meiosis. How can he differentiate it from the metaphase of mitosis?

This type of necrosis connects different liver structures and contributes to fibrosis and irreversible liver scarring.

73 / 73

Category: Foundation – Pathology

You are asked to review a liver biopsy from a patient with a history of alcohol abuse. Which of the following pathological changes will most likely lead to the death of hepatocytes and liver cirrhosis?

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